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长期使用可以有效地淡化妊娠纹。Persistent application could effectively fade striae of pregnancy.

上一次出现这种明显彗尾细纹的彗星是1997年的海尔-波普彗星。The last comet to show prominent striae was Comet Hale-Bopp in 1997.

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员然妊娠纹对身体健康无影响。A however striae gravidarum does not have the influence to the health.

可每天在腹部涂I橄榄油,减少妊娠纹的出现。May spread I olive oil every day in the abdomen, reduces the striae gravidarum the appearance.

指皮肤、肌肉的纹理,以及皮肤与肌肉之间的间隙。Striae refers to the natural lines of the skin and muscles, and the spaces between the skin and muscles.

腠理指皮肤、肌肉的纹理,以及皮肤与肌肉之间的间隙。Striae refers to the natural lines of the skin and muscles, and the spaces between the skin and muscles.

更有甚的是,人们还能看到由彗尾展开的明亮但又极度罕见的丝状细纹。What's more, visible were bright but extremely rare filamentary striae from the comet's expansive dust tail.

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现在还不能确定造成尘埃状细纹的原因,但可能与彗核的分裂有关。The cause of dust tail striae are not known for sure, but are possibly related to fragmentation of comet's nucleus.

波筋-包括玻璃体内绳状、层状熔化不均匀的物质,此种缺陷能产生光畸变。Included cords, layers or striae which are not homogeneous with the main body of the glass and which cause optical distortion.

此盖玻片提供最大的透明度、优越的防腐能力和均匀的厚度和尺寸,没有细沟和油膜。These cover glasses offer maximum clarity, superior corrosion resistance, and uniform thickness and size. They are free of striae and oily film.

结果黑色素主要分布于豚鼠血管纹中间细胞内,基底细胞含少量黑色素,边缘细胞内无黑色素分布。Results A large part of melanin was located in the intermediate cells of striae vascularis, a small part in the basal cells and no in the marginal cells.

口围缘到反口纤毛环之间具有50-68列横向环纹,反口纤毛环到帚胚之间有32-53列环纹。Pellicle finely striated, with 50-68 pellicular striae between aboral trochal band and peristomial lip, and 32-53 between aboral trochal band and scopula.

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此盖玻片提供最大的透明度、优越的防腐能力和均匀的厚度和尺寸,没有细沟和油膜。These cover glasses offer maximum clarity, superior corrosion resistance, and uniform thickness and size. They are free of striae and oily film. Circular.

在产褥期腹壁原有的萦红色的新妊娠纹会逐渐变成银白色的旧妊娠纹。Original will entangle the red new striae gravidarum in the puerperal period abdominal wall to turn the silver-white color gradually the old striae gravidarum.

发现小眼面表面覆盖着均匀的小圆形凸起颗粒,在中央处有一由凹凸及纹褶构成的特殊结构。The ommatidial surface was revealed to be covered evenly with small round convex particles. A special concavoconvex structure formed by striae was situated in the middle of ommatidium.

结合现代科学对人体微观病理的认识,发挥金匮对“腠理”的认识,阐述其生理、病理和在中医微观辨证中的趋势,完善中医辨证体系。Combining the knowledge of striae in jin gui and that of mankinds micro pathology in modern science, We elaborate the striaes physiology and pathology and its function in micro dialectical.