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感谢上帝,史东尼,成功了。So, thank goodness, Stony triumphed.

大车沿着石子路嘎吱嘎吱地前进。The cart rattled along the stony road.

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一条溪流边有个石头造的客栈。There was a stony inn nearby a stream.

一辆牛车沿着碎石路嘎吱嘎吱地向前走。An ox cart rattled along the stony road.

她丈夫不愿见到她那张毫无表情的脸。Her husband hates to see her stony face.

石子路磨损鞋底相当厉害。The old car rattled over the stony road.

在狼的蹄子内部,是石头遍布的地平线。Inside the Wolf's foot, the stony horizon.

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我国具有丰富的海洋砂石土资源。China is rich in marine sandy and stony soil.

身体检查,肝会象石一样硬。On physical exam, the liver may be stony hard.

这里的地面多石,不太适于合耕种。The ground here is stony and not good for farming.

巨大的莫埃石像矗立在复活节岛的石坡上。Giant stone moai stand on Easter Island's stony slopes.

核果的石质内果皮,如桃和樱桃。The stony endocarp of a drupe, as in a peach or cherry.

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环状珊瑚岛和珊瑚礁由石珊瑚的骨骼形成。Atolls and coral reefs from the stony coral skeleton form.

这会振作我心,帮助我脚爬上山峰。Twill cheer my heart and help my feet along the stony track.

这种石子路磨损鞋底相当厉害。These stony roads are rather rough on the soles of your shoes.

渤海湾多彩的海水,山东日照。Colorful sea water on the stony beach of Rizhao, Shandong, PRC.

石槽水分亏缺最严重,土面次之。The water condition of stony trough is worse than soil surface.

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也许大人他会选你装饰他的石庭。Perhaps His Grey Grace will choose you to ornament his stony court.

农民们曾经在置于石壁上的木桩上建造房屋。Farmers once built houses on wooden stilts, perched on stony bluffs.

她做着这些事情,依然是咬紧了嘴唇,神情十分严肃。She did all this with the same compressed lips, and the same stony look.