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瘦果身体无毛或近无毛。Achene body glabrous or subglabrous.

花序梗,轴,花梗,和除无毛萼片外。Peduncles, rachises , pedicels, and outside of sepals glabrous.

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它是一年生草本,具卵形托叶和无毛的花丝筒部。It is an annual with ovate stipules and a glabrous filament tube.

欧洲的一种普通的无毛的一年生的矢车菊,花组成密集的聚伞花序。Common european glabrous annual centaury with flowers in dense cymes.

消除皮肤的老化角质细胞,使皮肤得更光滑细致。Remove dead cuticle cells, and lead you a glabrous and detailed skin.

花单性。雄蕊和雌花退化雄蕊均无毛。Flowers unisexual. Stamens and staminodes of pistillate flower all glabrous.

茎向右缠绕,分枝,绿色,对20米,无毛,具皮刺的在基部。Stem twining to right, branched, green, to 20 m, glabrous , prickly at base.

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萼片长圆形,直立,无毛或被短柔毛,基部侧对不。Sepals oblong, erect, glabrous or pubescent, base of lateral pair not saccate.

一年生草本,外倾或匍匐的,在节上不定根,无毛。Herbs, annual, decumbent or creeping, adventitiously rooting at nodes, glabrous.

茎直立或上升,只上部的分枝,达超过35厘米,无毛。Stems erect or ascending, branched only distally , to more than 35 cm, glabrous.

斜卵形的退化雄蕊的瓣片,大约3。8毫米,全缘,白色具髯毛。Staminode limb obliquely ovate, ca. 3. 8 mm, entire, white barbate. Filaments glabrous.

结论感觉神经植入术在灵长类动物失神经无毛皮肤有良好感觉再生。Conclusions Sensory nerve implantation has a good effect on restoration of the denervated glabrous skin in primate.

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目的评价感觉神经植入术在灵长类动物失神经无毛皮肤的感觉重建效果。Objective To assess the sensory restoration of the denervated glabrous skin in primate following sensory implantation.

目标组织被分解吸收,而周围的组织不受任何损伤,皮肤变得光洁细腻。Tissue subjects are absorbed and dissembled and normal tissue around them has never got hurt which makes the skin glabrous and fine.

试验研究了大豆植株形态对大豆蚜的寄生和天敌捕食的影响。The dynamics of the soybean aphid Aphis glycines, fed on glabrous soybean and the pubescent soybean plant, was observed in the laboratory.

该药物组合物主要由肿节风、石榴皮和炮姜炭按一定的重量配比制备而成。The pharmaceutical composition is mainly prepared by glabrous sarcandra herb, pomegranate rind and common ginger charcoal according to certain mix ratio by weight.