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祝福朋友,马年亨通!Beatific friend, year be prosperous!

它可以给你带来幸福,痛苦和烦恼!It can make you pain, beatific and agonising!

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不再无助,不再悲伤,而是永远幸福快乐。No longer helpless, never upset, and beatific forever.

它的悲哀,是没有永久的幸福。It's pathetic because the beatific feeling is not eternal.

众所周知,强壮的身体是幸福的基础。It is known that strong body is a foundation of beatific life.

据了解,强壮的身体是一种幸福的生活基础。It is known that strong body is a foundation of beatific life.

它是已知的,强壮的身体是一种幸福的生活的基础。It is known that strong body is a foundation of beatific life.

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这位新的财务长被派来把公司从赤字中救命出来。The new CFO was beatific to accompany the company out of the red.

最后,祝福他吧,希望没有我的圣诞节他也可以像现在的我这样豁达开朗。Wish you have a beatific Christmas Day with my most heartfelt benison!

或许至福幻象本身就同这种平凡的体验有着某种淡薄的血缘关系。Perhaps the Beatific Vision itself has some remote kinship with this lowly experience.

我自问,为何我们不更爱天使和那极乐的合唱?Why, I asked, should we not admire the angels themselves and the beatific choirs more?

一个人在他生日那天通常会收到许多朋友和父母送给他的礼物和祝福。On the birthday, one commonly receives nice gifts and beatific wishes from friends and parents.

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这个世界是你手中的幸福游乐场,除了你,谁都不能叫它打烊。My world was a beatific pleasure ground in your hand. Nobody could put up the shutters except you.

我所看到的每个离开他办公室的女人脸上都洋溢着幸福的微笑,仿佛她刚刚经历了一个无比壮丽激动的产前阵痛。Every woman I see leaves his office with a beatific smile on her face, as if she was in the throes of a grand passion.

但现在,我们俩都有了各自美满的家庭,所有的故事都如过眼烟云了无踪迹。But at present, we both have our own beatific family, all of the story became the cloud and gas passed without any trace.

虽然萨拉是平静了很多,有时积极寻找幸福的,她仍然蜷缩在床底下时,萨米接触。Although Sara was a lot calmer, looking positively beatific at times, she still cowered under the bed when Sammy approached.

幸福洋溢的笑容,温暖的拥抱以及标志性的民族特色的衣着,凸显了一个庞大却温和的国家令人安心的谦逊。The beatific smile, the warm hugs and the trademark folkloric dressproject the reassuring humility of a big but benign country.

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因此,如下的一个得天独厚的灵魂可能会看到更完美的上帝比另一个,而幸福的远景承认不同程度。Hence it follows that one blessed soul may see God more perfectly than another, and that the beatific vision admits of various degrees.

塞布·诺德是洛尔德星球开颜姐妹会的终身成员,但她渐渐对隐居生活产生反感。Seib Nod was a lifelong member of the Sisterhood of the Beatific Countenance on the planet Lorrd but grew bored with their cloistered lifestyle.

双方同意尽快就开通两岸定期直达航班进行协商,以实现两岸人民的共同愿望、增进两岸人民的福祉。The both parties agreed to negotiate about the cross-strait scheduled flights as soon as possible to realize the common wish and enhance the beatific life of the people on both sides.