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王后在客厅吃面包蜂蜜。The queen was in the parlor.

这客厅可俯瞰街道。The parlor overlooks the street.

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灯光整日照射入客厅之中。Light pours daylong into the parlor.

勒罗伊偷偷穿过门厅走到客厅。Leroy stole up the hall to the parlor.

咱们把她抬到客厅里的沙发上去。Lessus lay her on de sofa in de parlor.

这种静寂就像殡仪馆中的宁静。As quiet as the funeral parlor had been.

这只是一系列的小把戏么?Was this just a series of parlor tricks?

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他通过教我客厅把戏安抚我。He placates me by teaching me parlor tricks.

她躺在客厅的一张小长椅上。She was lying on a small settee in the parlor.

戴夫、颐索和桃丽丝把我接进客厅。Dave and Esau and Doris led me into the parlor.

这里是美发厅,我能帮您做些什么吗?This is the beauty parlor . What can I do for you ?

当然,请跟服务生去按摩室吧。Please follow the attendant into the massage parlor.

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请跟服务生去按摩室吧。Please follow the attendant into the massage parlor.

披萨店在工作日夜晚提供免费外送服务。This pizza parlor offers free delivery on weeknights.

他们的寓所包括两个小房间和一个套间。The apartment consisted of two small rooms and a parlor.

好的,我们去皮萨店吧——我只点一个沙拉。Sure, let's go to the pizza parlor -- I'll just order a salad.

我喜欢推荐晚宴,它们就像自我主义者按摩院。I love testimonial dinners. They're like an ego massage parlor.

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除了在姨夫的客厅里,以前她从来没有在客厅里见过卡巴顿。She'd never seen Cal in a parlor before, except for her uncle's.

寄读生和修女一样,只能在会客室里接见她们的亲人。Like the nuns, the pupils saw their relatives only in the parlor.

他醒来,穿上丧服,回到殡仪馆。He awakened and dressed again in black and returned to the parlor.