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我感觉自己就像装在鉄罐子里面的沙丁鱼。I feel like sardine in a tin can.

这个会比沙丁鱼大陆更大的。This could be bigger than Sardine Land.

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所有软壳蟹均用新鲜沙丁鱼喂食。All crab are fed with fresh sardine fish.

所有软壳蟹均用新鲜沙丁鱼喂食。All crabs are fed with fresh sardine fish.

我是一条希望从沙甸鱼罐中跳出来的沙甸鱼。Life without a dream is nothing, but just a can of sardine.

我们正在聊着,一个鲜艳的漆过的沙丁船抛锚了。As we chatted, a brightly painted sardine boat dropped anchor.

仅仅在过去的几年里,缅因州的最后几家沙丁鱼罐头厂也倒闭了。Just in the last few years, the last sardine cannery, in Maine, closed its doors.

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老人将鱼从钩上取下,重新装上沙丁鱼当鱼饵,并将鱼线又抛回海里。The old man unhooked the fish re-baited the line with another sardine and tossed it over.

老人将鱼从钩上取下,重新装上沙丁鱼当鱼饵,并将鱼线又抛回海里。The old man unhooked the fish, re-baited the line with another sardine and tossed it over.

今天的早餐有了一个新菜色,就是自己制作一种酱,里面有鸡蛋,沙丁鱼,马铃薯。There is a new soy sauce which is mixed by egg, sardine , potato, etc. It is made by Jack.

自从开始高蛋白饮食后,格莱恩总是带沙丁鱼或是金枪鱼三明治到银行办公室,在办公桌前吃。Glen brought sardine and tuna sandwiches to his bank-consulting job and ate them at his desk.

这是死人尸骨铺砌的胡同,下面埋着衣衫褴楼、歪七扭八、互相搂抱在一起的死人,还有沙丁鱼骨制成的脊骨。A lane of dead bones, of crooked, cringing figures buried in shrouds. Spines made of sardine bones.

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每条沙丁鱼都用钓钩穿过双眼,这样鱼的身子在突出的钢钩上构成了半个环形。Each sardine was hooked through both eyes so that they made a half-garland on the projecting steel.

据说,以前仅有一条船能把鲜活的沙丁鱼运回家来,但是那位船长将他的方法保密。It was said that only one ship could bring live sardine home, and the shipmaster kept his method a secret.

十五分钟之后,医生赶到他们家,看到那个女人拿着一个沙丁鱼在她丈夫的嘴边晃。Fifteen minutes later he arrived at the house to find the woman waving a sardine in front of her husband's mouth.

捕到的还有两篓子的比目鱼、对虾、海蟹和常见的沙丁鱼等。There were other catches, too, perhaps two baskets of flat fish, prawns, sea crabs, and the common sardine variety.

他感觉鱼线被轻微地拉动了,然后又重重地拉一下,一定是有条沙丁鱼的头很难从钩子上扯下来。He felt the light delicate pulling and then a harder pull when a sardine 's head must have been more difficult to break from the hook.

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很少有沙丁鱼会穿过气泡,它们只会越聚越紧。这张被称作气泡网的网子能让海豚抓住每一次沙丁鱼。The sardines seldom cross the wall of bubbles and crowd closer together. Known as bubble netting, this enables the dolphins to grab every last sardine.

弗林特的家乡一直以沙丁鱼闻名,直到某天宝宝布兰特沙丁鱼罐头厂倒闭。因为全世界的人都发现沙丁鱼让人恶心。We were famous for sardines until the day the Baby Brent Sardine Cannery closed for good, right after everyone in the world realized that sardines are super gross.

我们之前来过香港,但是我们上一次来的时候,我们记得旺角不像沙丁鱼果酱似的挤满了人,虽然我们这次来的时候确实是国定假日。We've been to Hong Kong before, but on the last visit we don't remember Mong Kok being this sardine jam packed with people, though we did arrive on a public holiday this time.