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阿麦尔先生从椅子上站了起来,面色十分苍白。Monsieur Hamel rose, pale as death, from his chair.

我诧异所有这一切时,韩麦尔先生已经坐到椅子上。While I was wondering about it all, M. Hamel mounted his chair.

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我以为他在跟我开玩笑,便上气不接下气地跑进阿麦尔先生的小教室。I thought he was making fun of me, and reached M. Hamel 's little garden all out of breath.

偶尔,我从考卷纸上抬起头来时,我就看到海模尔先生动也不动地坐在他的椅子上。From time to time, when I looked up from my paper, I saw Mr. Hamel sitting motionless in his chair.

比廉的亮相引起了哈默尔家人的喝彩,而观众则反应不一,有些人觉得好笑,有些则不屑一顾。Billiam's appearance drew a cheer from the Hamel household, titters from the audience and scorn from some others.

理论基础是美国企业战略管理专家普拉哈拉德和哈默尔提出的核心竞争力理论。The core competence theory is borrowed from American's corporate management strategists, C. K. Parahalad and Gary Hamel.

哈摩尔认为这个过程可能需要更长时间,并且在一九九二年后引致公司拆伙的数量将比现在大多数经理人员所预期的为多。The process, in Hamel 's view, will likely take longer and lead to far more corporate divorces after 1992 than most managers now expect.

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与此同一时间,普鲁士士兵的操练完回营的号声在我们的窗户下回响……阿麦尔先生从椅子上站了起来,面色十分成苍白。At the same moment, the bugles of the Prussians returning from drill blared under our windows. Monsieur Hamel rose, pale as death, from his chair.

透过敞开的窗户,我看见同学们已经整整齐齐地坐在他们的座上,韩麦尔先生腋下夹着那把可怕的铁戒尺,来回地踱着步子。Through the open window l saw my comrades already in their places, and Monsieur Hamel walking back and forth with the terrible iron ruler under his arm.

与此同时,普鲁士士兵的操练完回营的号声在咱们的窗户下回响……阿麦尔男士从椅子上站了起来,面色十分苍白。At the differerent time, the bugles of the Prussians turetering since drill blared under we Windows. Monsieur Hamel rose, pale as death, since his chwaterdrop.

哈默尔教授撰写这篇著名文章的部分原因是,企业界不愿从当时流行的“新经济”中吸取教训,这让他感到失望。Prof Hamel wrote this celebrated article partly out of frustration at the corporate world's reluctance to embrace the lessons of the then fashionable "new economy".

该文将经理们的注意力引导了企业内部资源和能力,即普拉哈拉德和哈默所谓的核心竞争力的重要性上。It was this article that drew practicing managers' attention to the importance of the resources and capabilities, i. e. core competences in Prahalad and Hamel 's term, within the firm.