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短暂的确定性响应时间Short deterministic response latencies

它是如何实现确定性终结的。How does it support deterministic finalization?

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第三个“相合”的阶段是不确定的。The third 'coincidence' stage is not deterministic.

提出一种快速反查表方法。This dissertation proposed a new deterministic algorithm.

假设张三和李四生活在一个宿命式的世界里。Suppose that Mark and Bill live in a deterministic universe.

抢占应用程序一小段确定的时间。Preempt the application for very short deterministic periods.

确定性模型现在让位于,概率模型。Deterministic models are now giving away to probabilistic models.

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就能够推理出,我们不遵从确定性法则It would follow then that we're not subject to deterministic laws.

提出并实现了一种确定性RST分析算法。A deterministic RST analysis algorithm is proposed and implemented.

首先,它是决定性的,因为牛顿定律是决定性的。First, it is deterministic because Newton's laws are deterministic.

我们假设它在外部发展,并且通常是决定性的。We assume it evolves exogenously, typically in a deterministic way.

它服从物理定律,而物理定律是决定性的It follows the laws of physics and the laws of physics are deterministic.

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新的宇宙和上帝不再那么刻板、僵硬,象牛顿的世界那样。The new versions were not so rigid and deterministic as the Newtonian world.

我们就得到了海森堡的结果,是从确定性模型转变过来的。What we see as a result of Heisenberg is the shift from deterministic models.

确定性匹配基于用于定义匹配的业务规则和算法。Deterministic matching is based on business rules and algorithms to define a match.

这个新句法的一个美妙之处是它在处理更新时的确定性。One nice feature of this syntax is that it is deterministic when it comes to updates.

但是为了提高效率,最好使用确定性有限自动机。Yet for increased efficiency, it is best to work with deterministic finite automaton.

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LP问题的最佳解是依据确定性的假设前题下求得。Optimal solutions to LP problems so far have been found under deterministic assumptions.

可以在字符串和向开始移动端开始确定有限的受体?Can a deterministic finite acceptor begin at the end of string and move toward the start?

与核子的半径,是从经典力学中得到的,但我们从量子力学模型,知道的事实是。That's a deterministic way of doing things, that's what you get from classical mechanics.