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她的嘴唇因激怒而抽搐着。Her lips twitched in exasperation.

堂-科利昂恼怒地发出哼声。Don Corleone grunted in exasperation.

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高妈气得几乎要笑。Gao Ma almost laughed in her exasperation.

她将戴着连指手套的手放在她的臀部,表演哑剧般地表现出恼怒的表情。She put her mittened hands on her hips to mime exasperation.

还包括愤激的狂笑诅咒和咬牙切齿。It also involves howls of exasperation cursing and gnashing of teeth.

所以美国公众对此的愤怒是非常容易理解的。So the American public's exasperation at this is very understandable.

车速很慢,令人恼怒,但我们何止是恼怒呢。Their progress was exasperatingly slow, but we were beyond exasperation.

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站在结帐队伍里的我不耐烦地在动来动去,恼怒地叹了口气。I was all but dancing with impatience in the checkout line and sighed with exasperation.

但在欧元危机中,它却被看作是难以取悦的讨厌鬼。But as players in the euro-zone crisis, the British are viewed with head-shaking exasperation.

原谅那些令你生气愤怒的人,让曾经的伤害随风而去吧。Forgive those make you angry exasperation of person, the injury let ever went to with the breeze.

“他们以为自己知道的很多,就是不喜欢遵守规定,”她愤愤地说。“They think they know better and just don’t like following the rules, ” she said with exasperation.

虽然恼怒显而易见,但是我们也看到希望,现在正是时候,我们可以也将会改变。The exasperation is palpable, but so is the hope that this time, we can and will do things differently.

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最后,在回课前一天,露露愤怒地跺脚宣布不练了。Finally, the day before herlesson, Lulu announced in exasperation that she was giving up andstomped off.

最后,在她上课的前一天,露露恼怒地声明,她放弃了,她不再练习钢琴。Finally, the day before her lesson, Lulu announced in exasperation that she was giving up and stomped off.

这是我和中国同事辩论某些中国问题时最常听到的气话。This has become a daily exasperation as I debate with my Chinese colleagues on some aspects of their country.

更多的是嗯…这是件令人恼怒的事情,但也是有点命里注定的意味。我们还是忍受一下吧。And it's much more hmm, this is just an exasperation and a certain resignation that we are going to put up with.

晚上早些时,当奥巴马赢了关键的宾夕法尼亚州时,一片喜悦与愤怒交加的喊声。Early in the evening, there were shouts of joy and exasperation when Obama won the crucial prize of Pennsylvania.

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但蓦地又暴躁起来,劈手从少奶奶手里夺过那字条来,很仔细地再看着。Suddenly, his look of exasperation returned as he snatched the note from his wife and read it carefully once more.

这个任命碰到了来自于城市中伊斯兰激进分子和极端保守的撒拉菲分子的愤怒。The decision was met by anger and exasperation from the city's Islamic extremists and ultra-conservative Salafi groups.

安德瑞宣称,他对英国人总是表现出的漫不经心深恶痛绝,这给托尼留下了深刻印象。Adrian had impressed Tony when he announced his exasperation with their country’s national pose of perpetual insouciance.