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她掀起面罩。She raised her veil.

白纱礼服和罩纱。A white dress and veil.

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撕开他们的假面具吧!Tear away their veil of shams!

揭开了巨大的纱幕。I have uncovered the grand veil.

她的脸被面罩遮起来了。Her face was buried behind a veil.

知道黑暗仅仅是遮蔽物。Know that darkness is only a veil.

她的面纱和花环都是白色的。Both her veil and wreath are white.

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这种帷帐随时都有可能被揭开。At any moment they may break the veil.

她蒙上一块天鹅绒的面纱然后出发了。She put on a velvet veil then set out.

一个女人可以用微笑把她的脸蒙了起来。A woman may veil her face with a smile.

爱神张开轻纱的翅膀。Eros spreads out the wings of the veil.

那的面纱已然揭起笼罩我的眼睛。A veil has lifted that shrouded my eyes.

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价钱包括了一个全新的头纱。I will include one new and matching veil.

爱情是一层纱布,隔在相恋的人中间。Love is the veil between lover and lover.

在那儿美为污点披上了轻纱。Where beauty's veil doth cover every blot.

分香帕子揉蓝腻。Hong veil tired of rubbing the blue points.

挑一条面纱、一个头饰并与礼服风格相吻合。Pick a veil and tiara that match the dress.

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纱幕落了!—这一切我早就见过。Some veil did fall, —I knew it all of yore.

每一个被包围在黑暗中暗淡遮蔽物里。Each surrounded by its dim veil of darkness.

虚拟文字是隔在你和现实之间的面纱。Dummy text is a veil between you and reality.