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下载最新的免费应用程序现在部落!Download the new tribal footie app NOW!

这是用来表示一个部落社会。It was used to denote a tribal society.

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至于首都,大卫选择了希布仑。For his tribal capital David chose Hebron.

这跟以前的部落社会是有很大的区别的。It's a quite different from the tribal society.

船型帽的装饰展现部落的巧思。This boat-shaped hat expresses tribal ingenuity.

对方的部落首领吃下了他的心脏。His heart was then devoured by the tribal chiefs.

商人部落信用级服务指的是什么?Credit refers to the tribal business-class service?

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当然要考虑到一个族群,一个部落的心态。Certainly caring for one's group, a tribal mentality.

它们会把你的部族永久物数量算进去。They'll also take your tribal permanents into account.

部落舞展示了一场五颜六色的半开化先民的奇观。The tribal dance was a spectacle of barbaric splendour.

此外,部落首领之子亦可得姓。In addition, the son of tribal leader also have to name.

那个国家被部落间的激烈冲突弄得四分五裂。The country was torn apart by fierce tribal hostilities.

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但是,风之部落的和平正受到邪恶的威胁。But, the tribal peace of wind is being browbeaten evilly.

1969年,卡扎菲推翻了东部的部落酋长伊德里斯。In 1969, Gadhafi overthrew the Eastern tribal King Idris.

很多部落音乐都非常有冲击性,并带有很重的节奏。Much tribal music is very percussive and has a heavy beat.

巴基斯坦部落广阔分散,常常不能管治。The tribal regions are vast, rugged, and often ungoverned.

关于选部落首收时,有人扔您一票争您做部落首收,您怎样思?How did you feel when you received a vote for tribal chief?

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赤城古为黄帝部族缙云氏地。Chicheng ancient tribal Jinyun for the Yellow Emperor's way.

而在阿富汗,部族间的争斗可能会使拟定好的计划失效。in Afghanistan, tribal rivalries may undo the best-laid plans.

目前,穆氏手下的军队正与遍布部族地区的“异端分子”作战。The army is now fighting “miscreants” all over the tribal areas.