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孙诒让先生无论在古文字学方面还是在古籍整理方面,都是大家。Mr. Sun yi-rang is a master both in paleography and ancient books sifting.

三位教授都是多年研究古文字学的业界元老。All the three professors have been immerged in the study of paleography for years.

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这次讲座,贯通了古文字学和建筑学的关系,打开了新的设计思路。This lecture linked up paleography with architecture and, brought forward a new perspective for design.

翻译研究与实践中离不开语篇意识,医古文翻译同样要体现语篇意识。Translation research and practice need discourse analysis, so does translation of the Chinese medical paleography.

基于语言学和古文书学证据,他推论它的日期大约是公元后第三世纪末。On the basis of philological and paleography evidence, he concluded its date is about the end of the third century A.

古文字学是关于古文字及用古文字来记录的文献资料的学问。Chinese paleography studies the ancient writing and the literature material which is recorded with the ancient writing.

汉字书迹有相当部分是以这类文书的形式留存于今的,印章的使用也是如此。Quite a few of remained calligraphy in Chinese paleography belong to those format nowadays , as well as usage of the seal.

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他在古汉语语法、修辞、训诂、金甲文字和汉书等方面造诣极深,创获很多。His research focused on ancient Chinese grammar, rhetoric, doctrine, inscription on bronze, bones and shells and paleography etc.

高田忠周先生是日本著名的汉学家,对中国古文字有着较深入的研究。He has exerted great influence in academic circles especially in Japanese Sinological arena with his academic works on Chinese paleography.

全面认识有孔虫的指相意义是理解中国新生代古地理的关键之一。The new knowledge of the facies indicating significance of foraminifers is the key to the understanding of the Cenozoic paleography of China.

中文摘要日本早期文书主要是指奈良、平安时代官方制作的各种公文、户籍、账簿、档案等。Japanese paleography mainly refers to the variety of official documents, household registration, account book and files in Nara and Heian Era.

治学范围包括经学、史学、诸子学、古文字学、校勘学、目录学、金石学、文献学。Scholarly research include classical studies, history, thinkers science, Paleography , collation, bibliography, epigraphy, literature studies.

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废除了六国古文,在秦文字的基础上整理形成了统一的官方字体,即小篆。The emperor abolished the paleography in the former six countries, formed a consolidated official character based on the Qing characters named seal character.

对孙常叙先生学术成就的深入研究有助于后人借鉴其理论成果,掌握新的研究思路与方法,推动古文字学的发展。Sun Changxu on academic achievement in-depth study will help future generations learn from his theoretical results, acquire new research ideas and methods and promote the development of Paleography.