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却在断裂处停顿。But in the breaks in a standstill.

鲍勃把马骑得走不动了。Bob rode his horse to a standstill.

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飞机滑行一段后停了下来。The aircraft taxied to a standstill.

我们把这匹驯良的马骑得都走不动了。We had ridden the willing horse to a standstill.

战争使所有的对外贸易停顿下来了。The war brought all foreign trade to a standstill.

只有当你们完全虚空时,你们才会静止,平衡。Only when you are empty are you at standstill and balanced.

球快滚到边界线时停了下来。The ball rolled to a standstill just short of the boundary.

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然后我们又一次被带回到了那个停滞不前的境地,这简直气死人。And once again we’re brought back to our exasperating standstill.

大雾浓的像浓豌豆汤。所有的交通都停止了。The fog was as thick as pea soup. All traffic came to a standstill.

突然来一了阵雨,使我们的马完全停了下来。A sudden shower of rain brought our horses to a complete standstill.

飞机完全停妥前请留在座位上。Please remain seated until the plane comes to a complete standstill.

飞机完全停稳以前,请不要离开座位。Please remain in your seat until the aircraft comes to a complete standstill.

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日本许多地区的机场和铁路服务陷入了停顿状态。Airports closed and rail services came to a standstill across much of the country.

确保卡车和拖车在抛锚时仍能安全地停留在任何路面上。Ensure that the truck and trailer remain securely at a standstill on all surfaces.

如果失去了对这些应用和工具的访问,业务将会停止。If they lose access to these applications and tools, business comes to a standstill.

这匹大马停在雅典娜庙旁的一个僻静的角落。The great horse came to a standstill in a quiet corner close by the temple of athene.

路堵死了,几十个警察到了现场。Traffic on the road slowed to a standstill. Dozens of police officers were called in.

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8月6日一早,黑客慢慢地瘫痪了Twitter,令数以百万计的用户沮丧不已。Hackers slowed Twitter to a standstill early on Aug. 6, frustrating millions of users.

当心!羽毛当道!成千上万只鸭子堵塞泰国交通。Watch out for road quill! Thousands of ducks bring traffic to a standstill in Thailand.

但是,不要被这些顾虑所操纵,而使你的约会停滞不前。But don't let navigating these new considerations trap your dating life at a standstill.