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再见,里克,祝福你。Bye, Rick. God bless you.

里克极不情愿地跟在她身后。Rick begrudgingly follows.

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丹和里克看到姑娘们跑开了。Dan and Rick see the girls run off.

瑞克,别打乱我,四十八、四十九......Don’t mess me up, Rick. Forty-eight

里克列文,规则培训宣言Rick Levine, The Cluetrain Manifesto

瑞克和明美一起吃早饭。Rick was with Minmei having breakfast.

忽然,里克驾车不辞而别。Suddenly, Rick peels out with the van.

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一九六二年,瑞克出生时就有脑损伤。In 1962 Rick was born with brain damage.

“我得走了。”瑞克松开了她。"I have to go, " said Rick releasing her.

但是在屏幕上瑞克却写下了“去布鲁克林!”" But on the screen Rick wrote "Go Bruins.

你是我的英雄,瑞克·莱克,我爱你。You're my hero, Rick Riker, and I love you.

里克驾车来到小木屋,搭载了鲍尔一家人。Rick goes to the shed and picks up the Bauers.

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在卡萨布兰卡里克的大名是如雷贯耳啊。There's a great deal about Rick in Casablanca.

瑞克牧师洒了一些油在我的额头上,然后,与上帝进行对话。Rick dabs oil on my forehead and speaks to God.

当狄克游泳时,他便拉着瑞克所坐的小船。When Dick swam, he pulled Rick in a small boat.

同时,丹和里克与艾瑞.盖恩斯碰了面。Meanwhile, Dan and Rick meet up with Ira Gaines.

金姆睡着了,里克给她们母女送来了早餐。As Kim sleeps Rick brings breakfast to the women.

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约翰,李克,顺即答答,您们己己熟谙吗?By the way, do you know each other?John and Rick.

“把它拿开。”瑞克余怒未消。"Leave it, " said Rick still a little pissed off.

里克向盖恩斯要求支付他的酬金,因为他完成了任务。Rick asks Gaines to pay him for his completed job.