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甲基橙是典型的偶氮染料之一。Methyl orange is a sort of typical azo dyestuff.

染料废水对环境有很大的影响。Dyestuff wastewater has much effect on environment.

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永固紫R是高级紫色有机颜料。Permenant Violet R is a high grade violet organic dyestuff.

木材染色过程中染液渗透机理的研究。Study on permeable mechanism with dyestuff during wood dyeing.

桔多淇表示,因为她没有用颜料,她的作品都能吃。All the artwork can be eaten since no dyestuff is used, said Ju.

液体硫化染料系指硫化染料隐色体溶液。Liquid sulfur dye is termly the leuco aqueous of sulfur dyestuff.

同时,一些偶氮染料废水中也存在铬离子。Moreover, some azo dyestuff wastewater also bears chromium compounds.

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并介绍了毛用染料和染色设备的发展趋向。The article also introduces the trend of woll dyestuff and equipment.

从广告上我们了解到你公司经营染料出口。We note from the advertisement that your company handles dyestuff for export.

采用浸渍吸附法对纳米晶二氧化钛薄膜进行染料敏化。The nanocrystalline TiO2 film is sensitized by dyestuff with dip and absorption.

本品用作分散染料的中间体和医药中间体。It makes use of an intermediate of medicine compound and as a disperser in dyestuff.

面对如此色彩斑斓的人工染料,自然色彩已俯首称臣。Natural color has given way to such Bright-colored artificial dyestuff in effectiveness.

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数字喷射印花技术既可省制版、省时间,又可省水和染化料。Digital jet- printing technology can save not only stencil and time, but also water and dyestuff.

染料溶液的渗透性是衡量木材染色效果的最重要指标。The dyestuff solution permeability is the most important indicator determined wood dyeing effects.

独特的蒸汽给温系统,特别适合活性染料的蒸化固色。The unique steam moistening system is specially suitable for ageing and fixation if active dyestuff.

吡啶碱广泛应用于合成医药、农药、香料、橡胶和染料。Pyridine bases are widely used in pharmaceutical, pesticide, aromatics, rubber and dyestuff industry.

介绍了吡啶碱类化合物在医药、农药、香料、橡胶和染料等领域的应用。Pyridine bases are widely used in pharmaceutical, pesticide, aromatics, rubber and dyestuff industry.

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对混合染料溶液的脱色效果和单一染料溶液的效果大致相同。The decolorization results of the dyestuffs mixture and single dyestuff solution were roughly the same.

对脱色混凝法用于染料废水处理的机理,及其优点进行了分析。And the mechanism and merits of decoloration coagulant used on treating dyestuff wastewater were reviewed.

成品LDH吸附染料后再焙烧,依然可以取得良好的吸附效果。After calcined, the samples which prepared LDH containing dyestuff also have good efficiency of absorption.