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一路坎坷,赴都柏林。The rocky road to Dublin.

马克·辛普森在都柏林为大家报道。Here is Mark Simpson in Dublin.

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我赶上了下一班飞机去都伯林。I caught the next plane to Dublin.

冬令制比都柏林晚8小时。Hours later than Dublin in winter time.

谣传他已逃往都柏林。He is rumoured to have escaped to Dublin.

他们急匆匆地上都柏林度周末去了。They scooted off to Dublin for the weekend.

在都柏林租车是非常划算的。Rental cars in Dublin are highly affordable.

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八月时我们把家具搬到了都柏林。In August we shifted our furniture to Dublin.

现在是在1913年,在伦敦,爱丁堡,都柏林。It's 1913. It's London, Edinburgh, and Dublin.

1923年,他升入了都柏林三一学院。In 1923, he moved on to Trinity College Dublin.

她是都柏林犯罪圈子中的可疑人物。She was a shady figure in the Dublin underworld.

加尔文因偷盗和谋杀正受都柏林方面通辑。Carwin was wanted in dublin for theft and murder.

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在都柏林唯一的职责就是负责销售。Derek has sole responsibility for sales in Dublin.

都柏林直到1152年才向爱尔兰教会屈服。Not till 1152 did Dublin give in to the Irish church.

那时都柏林是一个英国的城市,这在那儿发表了。So, Dublin was a British city at the time this is published.

在都柏林早客特惠餐是吃大餐的最佳选择。Early bird special is the best way to eat great food in Dublin.

在我驱车驶出都柏林时,车上的玻璃开始凝出了水珠。The glasses of my car began to sweat when I drove out of Dublin.

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两个都柏林周边的醉鬼就像爱情海上的奥德修斯。Two drunkards meander around Dublin like Odysseus in the Aegean.

都柏林市现在就像一个马上要爆炸的火药桶。Dublin city is currently like a tinderbox just waiting to explode.

在1969年6月,商店开门的第一彭尼斯在玛丽街,都柏林。In June 1969, the first Penneys store opened in Mary Street, Dublin.