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纪万昌在商店里搜寻假商品或不合格的商品。Ji rummages for fake or substandard goods in shops.

我们更多地看见劣药而非假药。We see fake drugs less often than we see substandard ones.

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即使服务是不合格的,也要记得给一些小费。Even if service is substandard still leave at least some tip.

地下室、隧道、游泳池、水池等外防水。The basements, tunnels, swimming pool, pool substandard water.

凡破损、污损或者不合规格的国徽不得悬挂。Whoever damaged, defiled or substandard national emblem may hang.

仓库里有些处理品要拿出来贱价销售。Substandard goods in the storehouse are to be sold at a low price.

第四十九条禁止生产、销售劣药。Article 49 Production and distribution of substandard drugs are prohibited.

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第十一条不得悬挂破损、损或者不合规格的国徽。Article11 No damaged, defiled, or substandard National Emblem shall be hung.

第十一条不得悬挂破损、污损或者不合规格的国徽。Article 11 No damaged, defiled, or substandard National Emblem shall be hung.

中国公职人员健康不佳、体态臃肿、脾气暴躁,基本上全都是亚健康者。China's bureaucracy is unhealthy, bloated, irritated and basically substandard.

我们必须更加努力制止假冒伪劣药品的销售。We need to do more to prevent the sale of counterfeit or substandard medicines.

药品成份的含量不符合国家药品标准的,为劣药。A drug with content not up to the national drug standards is a substandard drug.

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由于产品质量不合格,买家决定让负责人吃官司。The buyer decided to bring a suit against the seller for the substandard products.

你的表现太糟了,简直无法形容。Your performance is so substandard that we don’t have an adjective to describe it.

该损失是由于包装不合标准所致,所以应由贵公司负责这一损失。The loss was due to the use of substandard bags for which you should be responsible.

他还代表当局,表达了要遏制不合格药品在市场上流通的决心。He expressed NAFDAC's determination to curb circulation of substandard fake medicines.

假冒药物是更广泛的劣质药物现象的一部分。Counterfeit medicines are part of the broader phenomenon of substandard pharmaceuticals.

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你留恋多佛低于标准的住宿条件和不足的奖学金,这明显是非理性的。Your attachment to substandard lodgings and scant tuition in Dover is clearly irrational.

估计至少有30%的老人住在不合法定标准的房屋中。It has been estimated that at least 30per cent of the elderly live in substandard housing.

对普通结核病的不规范治疗致使耐多药菌株滋生繁殖。Substandard treatment of normal TB drives the development of multi-drug resistant strains.