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但对其他人来说,一对一剧场可能是令人痛苦的。But for others, one-on-one theatre can be harrowing.

那个,老实说,朋友,那真的是一次更加深入,更刻骨铭心的冒险旅程。That, my friends, was an even deeper, more harrowing adventure.

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她的悲惨经历让很多听众萧然泪下。Her harrowing experiences brought many of the audience to tears.

在被困了77小时以后,所有九人皆成功获救且仅受轻伤。After 77 harrowing hours, all nine men emerged alive with minor injuries.

CNN播出了一段令人心酸的采访,受访者是一名陷入贫困的女士。CNN broadcast a harrowing interview with one woman who has fallen into poverty.

面对眼前这场经济危机,我们越仔细看,越觉得它无比惨痛。The closer you look at the current economic crisis, the more harrowing it becomes.

一些因素产生了可怕的组合,令她特别容易患上成瘾症。There was some harrowing combination of factors that made her susceptible to addiction.

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我觉得自己无法把那部电影再看一遍。故事太悲惨,把我们的心都揉碎了。I didn't think I could sit through the film again. It was so harrowing and tore me apart.

马刺队与掘金队的首轮对决,肯定将演化成为“阵地战”与“快攻战”之间的经典战例。The Spurs face a harrowing first-round matchup with Denver, one of the hottest teams in the NBA.

迈阿密先驱报摄影师帕特里克·法雷尔拍摄了2008年海地人民遭受苦难的照片。Miami Herald photographer Patrick Farrell captured the harrowing images of the victims of Haiti in 2008.

限速和交通法规执行不到位,所以在新建高速公路上开车可能会很恐怖。Speed limits and traffic regulations are poorly enforced, so driving on the new expressways can be harrowing.

尽管吉文斯的旅程听上去让人心痛或单调乏味,他说这是保持自己所爱的家庭与工作的方法。But as harrowing or tedious as Givens’ trip may sound, he says it’s the way to keep the home and job he loves.

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没有人一闪念就否定了历史,除非历经悲痛的打击与意料不到的悲剧。No one negates history out of a passing whim, but only under the impact of harrowing and unsuspected tragedies.

吸烟当然对嗓音无益,但在那样痛苦的情况下,戒烟是不可能的。Smoking was not good for her voice, of course, but under these harrowing circumstances, quitting was impossible.

经历了痛苦的八分钟后,杨外长开始苏醒,脉搏也回复正常。After eight harrowing minutes, the Foreign Minister regained consciousness and exhibited a strong, regular pulse.

像这样大部头的巨作就务必会让读者为了回顾之前的剧情而作痛苦漫长的寻找工作,因此在卷首作个前情概要会比较人性化一些。In a work this size it's the reader who must embark on a harrowing quest, and a summary up front would be useful.

没有什么能比以娴熟的文学手法来记述一个悲惨童年更能唤起读者的共鸣。Nothing compels the emotions of readers more than an account, in skillful literary hands, of a harrowing childhood.

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使用者坐在座鞍上即可进行犁、耙和耱整地作业。The utility model can be used for ploughing, harrowing and leveling the ground when a user sits on the seat saddle.

此片对悲惨的战斗细节刻画的淋漓尽致,对痢疾和疟疾场面也毫不避讳。The story does not shy away from depicting the harrowing details of the campaign, down to the dysentery and malaria.

一条山谷,一段劳顿的车途,和挤满了狂乱的食火鸟的农场将我和俗世文明隔开。Between me and civilization was a valley, a long and harrowing drive down a dirt track and a farm filled with demented Emus.