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他们在落潮时采集贝壳类动物。They gathered shellfish at low tide.

自私的贝类嗅了嗅不新鲜的鱼味。A selfish shellfish smelt a stale fish.

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适合搭配鱼类、贝类和海鲜食品。Better with fish, shellfish and seafoods.

这个就是我们培育的种苗。Yes, they are the shellfish fry we breed.

想想鱼类和贝类所生活的环境。Think about where fish and shellfish live.

他像掰开贝壳似的,将她的尸体劈成两半。He split her like a shellfish into two parts.

适合搭配生蚝、海鲜、虾、蟹和鱼。Oysters, seafood platter, shellfish and fish.

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贝类通常附着于岩石上。Shellfish usually attach themselves to rocks.

他看来像贝壳似地把自己关闭起来,一点也不作声。He seemed to be shut up in himself like a shellfish.

检验表明水生有壳动物的毒素水平提高了。Tests showed increased levels of toxin in shellfish.

比利史密斯的鱼酱店很少卖贝类。Billy Smith's fish-sauce shop seldom sells shellfish.

同时非常强调鱼和贝壳类海鲜。There is a very strong emphasis on fish and shellfish.

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据了解,这条鱼已有30岁,以海底贝类生物为食。He is estimated to be 30 years old and feeds on shellfish.

确保贝类食物已经蒸煮过或处理过,可以安全食用。Make sure shellfish are cooked or treated for safe eating.

避免生鱼片,尤其是贝类水生物如牡蛎和蛤蚌。Avoid raw fish, especially shellfish like oysters and clams.

鲍丁照常地接送贝上学。Bao cubes receive as usual to send shellfish study at school.

课余的时候,还常常带贝出去玩耍。After school time, still often take shellfish to go out have fun.

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另外也谈到,「人们捕捉水中的鱼及贝类动物」。It also says that "people catch fish and shellfish in the water".

同时,人们不应该吃其他有害藻类的贝壳类海产。Also, people should not eat other kinds of shellfish during a HAB.

珊瑚礁早已显露出难逃一劫的状态,而许多贝类也会步其后尘。Coral reefs already appear doomed and many shellfish could follow.