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这是关于一个悍妇的故事。The story tells of a hellcat.

他的妻子是个十足的悍妇,她总是牢牢地控制着他。His wife is a typical hellcat who always wraps him around her fingers.

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丈夫实在受不了,就去找巫婆替他想办法。The husband is overcome really, go looking for hellcat to think way for him.

文学语言是语言家族中狂放不羁的浪子悍妇。Literature language is the uncontrollable" hellcat" in the family of language.

整个山坡从下到上布满了地狱猫的机壳、因维人和嘎鲁达人的尸体。An entire hillside was covered base to summit with Hellcat husks and Invid and Garudan corpses.

即使让能量弹药包过载爆炸,也比被地狱猫撕扯蹂躏要强得多。The explosion of an overloaded power pack was preferable to being rent and savaged by a Hellcat.

从F6F-5地狱猫战斗机的机舱内,约克城号的飞行中队指挥官赫布霍克指挥着中队的飞机。From the cockpit of his F6F-5 Hellcat fighter, Yorktown air group commander Herb Houck was directing the planes of his group.

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巫婆说陈五生了疔疮,因为他素来不信鬼神,所以鬼神也不来搭救。Hellcat says Chen Wusheng furuncle, because of him always does not believe ghosts and gods, so ghosts and gods also does not rescue.

瑞克一直紧盯着地狱猫,而凯伦正在对另一只无机兽进行射击零位调整,那只奥迪昂兽正围着火堆旁的孩子们兜圈。Rick got the Hellcat in his sights even while Karen was zeroing in on another Inorganic, an Odeon that had been circling toward the children by the fire pit.

地狱猫战斗机栖息在海床上,战机的机枪恒久地沉静了下来。曾在此处遭到日本零式战机的炮火猛烈轰击的她们,如今却是被鲨鱼所环绕。Hellcat fighter planes sit on the ocean floor, their machine guns silenced forever. Where once they were strafed by Japanese Zeros, now they are circled by sharks.

作者用夸张的笔法极力刻画了都氏这一典型的悍妇形象,同时开出一系列"疗妒"的药方。In the novel, the author portrayed Lady Wang, a typical hellcat image with the exaggerated writing technique. Meanwhile, he offered a series ways of treating one's jealous psychology in it.