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这些巨石建筑物的附近有一座小山。Near the megalithic stones is a hill.

你看见大海的附近有许多巨石建筑物。You see a lot of megalithic stones near the sea.

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那里有很多的巨石建筑。There are a lot of megalithic stones in Clayonag.

卡西山上地巨石飞起了1.2米高句号。Card on the west the megalithic fly high 1.2 meters.

新庄园拥有欧洲最好的一些巨石艺术。Newgrange has some of the finest megalithic art in Europe.

纽格莱奇墓的巨石墓区通道建于公元前3200年。The Megalithic Passage Tomb at Newgrange was built about 3200 BC.

一些人认为,巨石阵乃是天文台。Some argue that megalithic complexes are astronomical observatories.

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新庄园无疑是爱尔兰最出名的巨石墓碑。Ewgrange is undoubtedly the best known megalithic monument in Ireland.

你回到小村庄里想要问问那里的人关于巨石建筑物的事情。You go to the village and you ask some people about the megalithic stones.

多年来我们观看在负我们的与荣誉的这个巨石站点重荷。For years we were content to stand sentinel over this Megalithic site and we bore our burden with honor.

最古老形式的史前巨石建筑可能是石室冢墓,这是一种由数个直立的支撑物和一个平坦的屋顶构成的石室墓葬。A prehistoric megalithic structure consisting of two or more upright stones with a capstone, typically forming a chamber.

在南美洲一片原始壮观的风景区内竖立着一些巨大的宗教性的纪念像和雕塑。The largest group of religious monuments and megalithic sculptures in South America stands in a wild, spectacular landscape.

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斯莱戈爱尔兰北部一自治城市,濒临斯莱戈湾,为大西洋上的一个小港。附近有许多巨石废墟。人口17。A municipal borough of northern Ireland on Sligo Bay, an inlet of the Atlantic Ocean. There are megalithic ruins nearby. Population, 17,232.

斯莱戈爱尔兰北部一自治城市,濒临斯莱戈湾,为大西洋上的一个小港。附近有许多巨石废墟。人口17,232。A municipal borough of northern Ireland on Sligo Bay, an inlet of the Atlantic Ocean. There are megalithic ruins nearby. Population, 17, 232.

法国西北部一小村庄,濒临布列塔尼半岛海岸。该村庄有平行排列的史前巨石纪念碑,非常有名。A small village in northwest France on the coast of Brittany. It is famous for its prehistoric megalithic monuments that extend in parallel rows.

这个肾脏形状的坟堆占地约1英亩并且被97个侧石包围住,有些用巨石建造的艺术品来做装饰。The kidney shaped mound covers an area of over one acre and is surrounded by 97 kerbstones, some of which are richly decorated with megalithic art.

弗洛勒斯岛毕纳村的房屋形状类似火山锥,立在巨石垒成的墓碑旁,生活的原始力量近在咫尺。Life’s primal forces are close at hand in Bena, on the island of Flores, where homes shaped like volcanic cones stand beside megalithic gravestones.

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最古老形式的史前巨石建筑可能是石室冢墓,这是一种由数个直立的支撑物和一个平坦的屋顶构成的石室墓葬。The most ancient form of megalithic construction may be the dolmen, a type of burial chamber consisting of several upright supports and a flat roofing slab.

青铜时代早期的不列颠农耕畜牧经济持续不断的发展、青铜工业诞生、葬俗发生变化和巨石建筑的构筑,展示了史前不列颠社会不断进步的历史内涵和向前发展的历史进程。It was characterized by the continuous development of farming and husbandry, the birth of bronze industry, the change of funeral rites, and the emergence of megalithic buildings.

奥布里是首位涉及到史前巨石阵和其他德鲁伊教巨石纪念碑的现代作家,在十九世纪期间,一种误解发展出了一种对德鲁伊教的想法。Aubrey was the first modern writer to connect Stonehenge and other megalithic monuments with Druidry, a misconception that shaped ideas of Druidry during much of the 19th century.