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“我帮你把他放到盒子里,好吗?”女售货员问道。"Shall I put him in a box for you?"the saleslady asked.

“需要我把小熊放到盒子里么?”女售货员问道。"Shall I put him in a box for you?" the saleslady asked.

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女销售员嗯,我想我知道你在说哪一件,但是那件上衣现在没货了。SALESLADY Hmm. I think I know what you mean, but we are out of that blouse now.

女销售员我可以问问看其它分店,他们可能还有货。SALESLADY I can try some of our other branch stores. Maybe they still have some.

女销售员好的,没问题。您要买多少钱的礼券?。SALESLADY Alright, that's no problem. How much would you like in gift certificates?

女销售员我们有颜色样本可以给你看。您要粉状的还是液状的?。SALESLADY We have our color samples you can look at. Did you want powder or liquid eye shadow?

女销售员您知道您还可以省更多钱,因为您买东西不必付税吗?。Saleslady Did you know you will save even more because you do not pay taxes on your purchases?

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女销售员当然可以。但是要带收据来,不然我们无法接受退货。SALESLADY Of course. But you have to bring the receipt with it. Otherwise , we can't accept returns.

女销售员真抱歉,我们没有白色的了,你要不要看看其它我们有的颜色?。SALESLADY Yes, I'm sorry. We're out of the white ones. Would you like to see the different colors we have?

她在布朗克斯区的路德维格-鲍曼家具店找了份售货员的工作,并且靠这份工作度过了整个大萧条时期。She found a job as a saleslady at the Ludwig-Baumann furniture store in the Bronx and was able to hold it through the Depression.

头等席都卖完了,但售票员告诉我包厢座位的音效比较好,而且我们可以带望远镜。The orchestra seats were all sold out, but the saleslady told me the loge seats were better for sound and that we could bring binoculars.