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在那些日子里,我自豪于我的积极性。In those days, I prided myself on my activism.

这样的话,政治和社会激进主义都将自动消亡。As such, political and social activism was an end in itself.

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在所有的实际问题上﹐欧盟都仰仗着美方的行动。For all practical purposes, Europe was relying on U. S. activism.

所有这些的目标被我们称为“机会均等运动”。The goal of all this is what we call "equal opportunity activism."

一九八八年被释放后他仍然继续他的激进主义行为。He continued his activism after returning in nineteen eighty-eight.

一些艺人和摇滚歌星发挥他们的明星效应参与社会行动主义.但是他们真正拥有多少能力呢?Some actors and rock stars use their star power for social activism.

确实,印度应对环保问题的青年运动日益高涨。Indeed, youth activism around environmental issues is growing in India.

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巴林发达的公民社会促成了一种能动的政治传统。Bahrain's strong civil society fostered a tradition of political activism.

高曼奖是世界上最大的对环境做出贡献的奖项。The Goldman Prize is the world's largest prize for environmental activism.

高曼环保奖是全球范围内授予环保运动的最高奖项。The Goldman Prize is the world's largest prize for environmental activism.

这一司法能动主义的行动恐怕连鲍勃.博克都会觉得不好意思。It was an act of judicial activism that might have made even Bob Bork blush.

事实上,彼时的萨勒姆已将成为反对奴隶制运动的重要中心。For its part, Salem would become an important center of antislavery activism.

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在犹太复国主义者大会上,Rosenblueth与激进主义路线做了最后一次较量。At the Zionist Congress itself, Rosenblueth made a last plea against activism.

萨蒂亚尔希的积极努力今天已发展成一场拥有千百万名支持者的运动。Satyarthi’s activism started a movement that today has millions of supporters.

我们每个人都有投票权,希望实现,我们自己的价值观,不管这是否牵扯到宗教。I think we all vote and amend and have activism of our values, religious or not.

尽管艺术的行动主义已经不再是新的,已经发生过多次类型上的变换。While activism in the art world isn't new, it has taken several types of shifts.

第三章提出了对司法能动扩张倾向存在的限制因素。Lastly it anatomies the reasons of the expansiveness of judicial activism in the WTO.

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对于同性恋权利运动来说,墨西哥城法律是长达30年努力的成果。For the gay rights movement, Mexico City’s law was the result of 30 years of activism.

名人行动主义者中我们不会对奥斯卡奖得主乔治•克鲁尼感到陌生。George Clooney, the Academy Award-winning actor, is no stranger to celebrity activism.

在我失去他音信之后的好多年我怀疑是否他所做的努力和牺牲都付之一炬了。For years after I lost him I wondered if all of his activism and sacrifice was for nothing.