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前奏与后奏首尾呼应。The prelude and coda echo from beginning to end.

哲戈最后乐章得完结部湜引用两戈忍道主义者得话。The coda to this last movement is borrowed from two humanists.

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这个最后乐章的完结部是引用两个人道主义者的话。The coda to this last movement is borrowed from two humanists.

尤文图斯正在关注意大利U21双星安德烈亚·柯达和丹尼尔·德塞拉。Juventus are eyeing Italy U21 pair Andrea Coda and Daniele Dessena.

然后是著名的奥威尔式结尾,“好的散文就像是一扇窗”。Then that famous Orwellian coda. "Good prose is like a window pane."

第一代Coda汽车外观与普通中型亚洲轿车一样。The first-generation Coda car looks like a generic, midsize Asian sedan.

提出了对不同地震采用不同流逝时间的尾波测定品质因子的方法。Furthermore the determination method of coda wave quality factor is put forward.

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结尾部分的特征在于结合了钢琴的对位旋律。The Coda features the tune combined with an evocative countermelody in the piano.

麦迪不再是一位顶尖得分手,同时,他也无法成为他这一代极具天赋的球星当中的领军人物。McGrady is no longer an elite scorer, nor is he the coda for a generation of multi-talented stars.

这个网站内容很多,因此平衡性和组织性是至关重要的。Coda Automotive is a content-heavy site, which means balance and organization is essential to site usability.

尽管公司的基地在圣莫尼卡,柯达的全电动三厢车最初将在中国制造。Although the company is Santa-Monica based, the Coda all-electric sedan would be manufactured primarily in China.

我从这一分钟开始恨透百合这种植物,它代表谎言,由开始至结尾。I have hated deeply bulb of lily this kind of plant since this minute, it represents lies, from start into a coda.

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尾波还指出,由于缺乏必要的石油的变化,而减少了运动部件转化减少磨损。Coda also points out the lack of need for oil changes, while a reduction in moving parts translates to less wear and tear.

对于我们父母和他们的好友而言,这家南斯拉夫人开办的汽车旅店无疑是人间天堂,在走过一段艰辛的人生之后,可在此歇息喘气,不失为一幸。To my parents and their friends, the Yugoslav motel was an unquestioned paradise, a lucky coda to a set of difficult lives.

文章认为现代汉语各方言不同的韵尾辅音多数是中古汉语韵尾辅音由于历时磨损而引起的非口腔化的结果。This paper argues that coda consonants of different dialects result largely from debuccalization of those of the Middle Chinese.

本文采用脉冲传播谱振幅比法、能量法、尾波法分别测多种岩样的P波Q值、S波Q值及尾波Q值。Q values of P, S and coda of varied rocks have been measured by methods of amplitude ratio, energy, and coda from pulse propagational spectra.

记录着今天麦道夫先生传奇故事的终结,他的名字也成为欺骗和贪婪的华尔街时代的速记法。The day’s events marked a coda in the saga of Mr. Madoff, whose name has become shorthand for an entire era of greed and deceit on Wall Street.

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这首作品以一段加长尾声作结,在葬礼进行曲般沉稳的持续低音衬托下,歌声中半音对位的唱和更为突出。The work is concluded by an extended coda in which chromatic contrapuntal interplay among the voices are supported by a steady funeral-march drone.

地方震尾波由地壳横向不均匀性而产生的反向散射波组成。The seismic coda wave of local earthquakes are composed of back scattering waves owing to numerous randomly distributed heterogeneities in the earth's crust.

除此之外,“概括”与“结尾”范畴在国内大学生中似乎是选择性的出现,而其它四个范畴都是每一个叙事语篇所必须的。Moreover, the use of "abstract" and "coda" categories seemed optional among Chinese college students, whereas the other four categories were used obligatorily.