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他热中于爵士乐。He is hipped on jazz.

他因丢了钱包而闷闷不乐。He was hipped for losing his purse.

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他从树上跌落了下来,把髋关节摔脱了臼。He was hipped when he dropped from the tree.

四坡屋顶有倾斜的断点,没有山墙。A hipped roof has sloping ends rather than gables.

现在我们将放一段流行音乐,不要放得太响Now we're going to play just a little bit of pop music-- Not too laud cause this really hipped up.

类似于一个小城的布局,住宅一般的七栋坡屋顶体块并置排列组成了园区。Like a small county settlement, juxtaposition of seven house-like volumes with hipped roofs forms the campus.

我通过次用坡屋顶,并将二楼建成庑殿式或斜截面的住房,使得该建筑形成一个整体。I let the building be seen as one volume by employing a hip roof and laid the second floor of the housing in the hipped or inclined section.

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驰是一个公司,有一种老年学校,老年传统办法的事情,我们臀它改造自己,如果你的意愿。IMAX was a company that had a sort of older-school, older-fashioned approach to things and we hipped it up and reinvented ourselves, if you will.

那张照片是在加拿大拍摄的,他站在一辆60年代的老式汽车边,穿着60年代的紧身裤子,裤角有些喇叭形,上身是开领衬衫。It was taken in Canada and there's a big old 1960s car that he's stood next to. He has 60s trousers on, thin- hipped , a bit flared, and an open-neck shirt.

这一过程可以追溯到几千年前,当原始的起草说明,关于墙壁洞穴的过程,由他们生活,狩猎,崇拜,和死亡。This process dates back to thousands of yea rs ago when primitive drafters illustrated on the walls of caves the processes by which they lived , hunted , wo rs hipped , and died.

建筑中央的人字形屋顶门廊目前配置了大玻璃推拉门,通过玻璃门可以直接看到从庭院到建筑后方的景色。The hipped gable porches at the centre of the building now accommodate large glazed sliding doors that provide a view straight through from the entrance courtyard to the fields at the rear.