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破纪录的“超音速燃烧冲压喷气发动机”Record-breaking "Scramjet"

氢注入及冲压点火测试。Hydrogen injection and scramjet ignition testing.

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尾喷管直接安装在模型发动机的燃烧室出口。Scramjet nozzle was installed at the exit of the combustor.

超燃冲压发动机由进气道、隔离段、燃烧室和尾喷管组成。The scramjet is composed of inlet, isolator, combustor and nozzle.

提出了超燃冲压发动机燃烧室的性能分析评价方法。The methodology for scramjet combustor performance analysis and evaluation is build up.

一旦冲压发动机的运动速度足够快,喷射引擎将接手并将之推动进入太空。Once a scramjet is moving fast enough, the jet engine would take over and propel it spaceward.

本文分析及提出了超音速燃烧冲压发动机燃烧室燃烧效率的数学模型。The model of combustion efficiency for scramjet combustor is analyzed and presented in this paper.

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不过,太空署要如何使得超燃冲压发动机进入持续飞行需要的超音速呢?But how does NASA plan to get the scramjet to the supersonic speeds necessary for sustained flight?

本文综述了飞航式导弹所用超音速燃烧冲压发动机的基本原理、分类及其特点。Elementals Classification and performance of scramjet for cruise missiles are reviewed in this paper.

再生冷却技术是超燃冲压发动机燃烧室热防护的关键技术。Regenerative cooling technology is one of the key technologies to thermally protect scramjet chamber.

含有两相流的超燃冲压发动机燃油供给系统的动态分析。The dynamic analysis of the model of the scramjet fuel supply control system with the two phase flow.

如此快的飞行速度可能要归功于飞机特制的火箭引擎,一种超音速高压喷射装置。Achieving that speed is possible thanks to the craft's specialized rocket engine, a hypersonic scramjet.

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笔者研究了一个有突扩台阶的氢燃料高超声速冲压发动机模型的气体动力学特性和推力特性。In this paper a dual-mode Scramjet model engine was experimentally investigated with hydrogen fuel burning.

本文通过数值模拟得到了超燃冲压发动机燃烧室化学反应流流场的流动结构。Computations are done on flow configurations that resemble the reaction zone in the scramjet combustor flows.

本研究关系到污染对燃烧的影响以及对于超音速燃烧冲压发动机地面试验的影响。This study deals with the effect of vitiated air contamination on combustion and scramjet engine ground tests.

最后,本文针对两种构型的超音速尾喷管,对其流场进行了计算和分析。In final section of this paper, the flow field of two types of supersonic nozzle for scramjet is simulated and analyzed.

介绍了北京动力机械研究所进行的超燃冲压发动机初步研究。Preliminary investigation for scramjet engine performed by Beijing Power Machineries Institute is described in this paper.

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超燃冲压发动机是高超声速飞行器理想的动力装置,是当前高超声速技术领域的研究热点。Scramjet is the perfect propulsive device to hypersonic vehicle, and is a hot issue in current hypersonic technology area.

该中国人透露,超燃冲压发动机点火技术和冷却超燃冲压发动机内壁的工作也在评估之中。Scramjet ignition technology and work on cooling the internal walls of a scramjet are also being assessed, the Chinese say.

作为该项工作的一部分,一个可达5.6马赫的综合冲压模型即将在北京的一个新的风洞内开始测试。As part of this effort, an integrated scramjet model is about to begin testing at up to Mach 5.6 in a new wind tunnel in Beijing.