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不管其他人的地方来。They ain't friendly.

这人友好地笑了笑。The man smiled friendly.

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他向我递了个友好的眼色。He gave me a friendly wink.

布朗族人真是太热情了。Blang people are so friendly.

他是个挺友好的小伙子。He's a friendly sort of chap.

她给了我一个友好的微笑。She gives me a friendly smile.

那么竞争是友好的?So the competition is friendly?

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那个售票员很友好。The conductor is very friendly.

布朗大学很友好。Brown is a very friendly campus.

我是一个活泼开朗,热情好客的女孩。I am a lively and friendly girl.

李立是非常友好和友好的。Li Li is very kind and friendly.

请用友好的语气讲话。Please speak in a friendly tone.

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他态度非常友好,但是态度暧昧。He was friendly but noncommittal.

我希望我认识一个友好的船夫。I wish I knew a friendly boatman.

我懂礼貌,对人友善。I Dongli Mao, the friendly people.

这里的人们更友善。People are way more friendly here.

宾主进行了友好的谈话。The two sides held friendly talks.

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友好的弗兰克翻转美味烙饼。Friendly Frank flips fine Flapjack.

双子座的人很友善。Geminis are really friendly people.

他正在对中国进行友好访问。He is on a friendly visit to China.