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她改演朱丽叶一角。She has been recast as Juliet.

你怎么来重铸你的梦想?How does one recast one's dream?

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她把讲稿修改成了一篇广播讲话。She recast her lecture as a radio talk.

建筑中许多铸铁构件经重新铸造得以更换。Much of the cast-iron was recast and replaced.

当发生这个的时候,我意愿要回光体并将其重铸。When this occurs, I intend to retrieve it and recast it.

1980年重铸铁牛一只,将其置于桥上。One iron cattle was recast and placed on the Bridge in 1980.

钟声是圣母-贵妇人最古老的,被重写,在1631年。The bell is Notre-Dame's oldest, having been recast in 1631.

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你最好用更正式的措词把第一段重写一下。You'd better recast the first paragraph in more formal wording.

这是一个很郑重的场合,所以你的报告应改的正式一点。You should recast the report in formal wording as it is. a formal occasion.

如果有,值得探讨一下该行动为什么及是否需要重塑。If so then it's worth exploring why and whether the action needs to be recast.

但是在过去几十年里印度和中国的崛起已经改写了这场争论。But the rise of India and China over the last few decades has recast this debate.

在过去十年当中,巴西一直致力于重塑自身的国际形象和国际影响。In the last decade, Brazil has recast itself as a global brand and a global power.

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卧佛寺的大钟是16世纪重新铸造的。The big bell in the Temple of Reclining Buddha was recast in the sixteenth century.

同时,此发现彻底改变了菌类和草类之间的关系。Meanwhile, the discovery could recast the relationship between the fungus and the grass.

但几乎没有什么迹象表明,奥运会的成功举办将重塑中国政府的全球视野。Yet there is little sign that the success of the games will recast Beijing's global outlook.

然后重铸并扩展你的梦想,你会发现,你的恐惧在这种情况下很快消失。Then recast and expand your dream and you may discover that your fears rapidly dissipate as such.

“苹果抢先出手,把AT&T从英雄变成了坏蛋,”Moffett说。"Apple has stolen the march, and in the process has recast AT&T from hero to villain," Moffett says.

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如果不出意外,东滩将作为试验而重启,规划者从中吸取教训。And, if nothing else, Dongtan is being recast as a trial run from which planners ought to draw lessons.

这是雅各宾式的逻辑,权力来自可见的指令来重新实施有着悠久历史的实践。The logic was Jacobin, the authority deriving from a perceived mandate to recast time-honored practices.

对身体的完美的追求成了年轻女性“得到权力”的来源——甚至常常是唯一来源。The pursuit of physical perfection was recast as a source — often the source — of young women's “empowerment.