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也许是肝静脉?Maybe the hepatic vein?

肝性胸水是真的吗?Was it really hepatic hydrothorax?

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没有严重的肝、肾功能损害。No severe hepatic or nephritic damage was observed.

各肝静脉之间有外科间隙。There were surgery interspaces among hepatic veins.

你是否记得他们是否称其为肝昏迷?Do you remember whether they called it a hepatic coma?

电脑断层摄影证实肝右叶有一巨形低密度肿瘤。CT confirmed a large low attenuation right hepatic tumor.

目的评价CT扫描对肝脓肿的诊断价值。Objective To evaluate the role of CT of hepatic abscesses.

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蝎毒介入治疗肝癌可改善症状。Scorpion venom can meliorate symptom of hepatic carcinoma.

肝脂肪变的组织学表现。This is the histologic appearance of hepatic fatty change.

门静脉压力与血浆ET、肝组织ET呈正相关。The FPP was positively correlated with serum and hepatic ET.

病理组织切片观察成模情况。The hepatic tissues were sliced for pathological observation.

方法5只新西兰大白兔制备成肝脏局部缺血模型。Methods Partial hepatic ischemia model of 5 rabbits were set up.

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他因为肝昏迷被送进了急救室。He has been sent to the first-aid centre because of hepatic coma.

急性肝衰竭的另一种类型是暴发性肝衰竭。Another term for acute liver failure is fulminant hepatic failure.

门静脉和肝静脉有明确界定,没有充盈缺损。Portal vein and hepatic veins are well defined, no filling defect.

该例患者患了重症肝炎,肝脏失代偿。This patient developed severe hepatitis with hepatic decompensation.

肝肉芽肿多由肉样瘤病及结核病引起。Hepatic granulomas most commonly due to sarcoidosis and tuberculosis.

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肝肉芽肿多由肉样瘤病及结核病引起。Hepatic granulomas most commonly due to sarcoidosis and tuberculosis.

肝小叶非常小,是六棱柱体。The hepatic lobule is very small and looks like a six-sided cylinder.

所筛选的单适配子对肝细胞几乎无毒性。The selected aptamers have very low or no toxicity for hepatic cells.