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圣?菲歌剧院是谁设计的?。Who designed the Sante Fe Opera House?

圣达菲,西班牙语的意思是“神圣的信仰”。Santa Fe means "Holy Faith" in Spanish.

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收益全部捐赠给圣菲研究所。Proceeds were donated to the Santa Fe Institute.

塔林大学历史拥久,是爱沙尼亚国最大的工程与商科大学。Swansea College is one of the best FE colleges in Wales.

美国新墨西哥州北部一城镇,位于圣大菲东北偏北。A townof northern New Mexico north-northeast of Santa Fe.

陶斯美国新墨西哥州北部一城镇,位于圣大菲北东北部。A town of northern New Mexico north-northeast of Santa Fe.

建立了基于三箱式轿车结构的参数化分析模型。The parametric FE model of three-box type body is created.

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停止供锌,明显降低根系全铁含量。Withholding Zn supply decreased the root Fe concentration.

你有一些波特兰、安纳波利斯、沙凡那港市和圣达菲的朋友?Have friends from Portland, Annapolis, Savannah or Santa Fe?

红紫泥具有明显的富铁铝化过程。Al, Fe accumulation is clearly found in the red-purple soils.

矿质元素钠、铁和钙能促进乳糖酶的酶活力。Na, Fe and Ca helped to promote the enzyme activity of lactase.

采用空气乙炔火焰原子吸收光谱法测定电解铅中银、铁、铜。FAAS is applied to the determination of Ag Fe Cu in lead ingots.

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宁夏枸杞叶茶中铁和锌元素含量较丰富。Fe and Se contents were richer in wolfberry leaf tea of Ningxia.

报告称,檀香山和圣达菲的空气质量综合指标最好。Honolulu and Santa Fe had the best overall air, the report said.

用计算机模拟了基体元素钛和锡、铁的可见光谱图。The visible spectra of Ti, Sn and Fe were simulated by computer.

全铁和游离铁的含量也呈下降趋势。Total Fe and free Fe contents also showed a decreasing tendency.

缺铁处理下鸭跖草会产生根际酸化效应。Fe deficiency could lead to acidification of the rhizosphere of C.

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圣达菲正准备庆祝它立市四百周年。Santa Fe is preparing to celebrate its four hundredth anniversary.

结构铁是京西煤系高岭土中铁的主要存在形式,其中也含有微量结构钛。Structural Fe is the main existing form of Fe and Ti in kaolinite.

圣达菲牧场的席瓦.莫拉德法认为她的家会幸免于难。Shiva Moradfar of Rancho Santa Fe believes her home escaped the fire.