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旁遮普邦锡克族的挑战已不构成威胁。The Sikh challenge in the Punjab has dissipated.

父亲是锡克教教徒,而母亲则是印度教徒。His father was a Sikh and his mother was a Hindu.

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这是Jogan沙阿,锡克教的白沙瓦附近。This is Jogan Shah, the Sikh neighborhood of Peshawar.

港岛湾仔皇后大道东371号的锡克庙,是他们的宗教和文化活动中心。Sikh Temple at 371 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong Island.

一座锡克教庙宇和两座穆斯林祷告室也受到攻击。A Sikh temple has also been attacked, as have two Muslim prayer-rooms.

它用它那修长且不匀称的身躯来防止这位锡克教徒司机从它的身边溜掉。With its long, unshapely bulk it prevented the Sikh driver from slipping by it.

除了25000个强大的锡克社区,巴基斯坦的印度教徒大多数也都是宗师的追随者。Pakistani Hindus are followers of the Guru in majority apart from the 25000-strong Sikh community.

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今年锡克教的屠妖节恰巧与印度教的屠妖节同一天,印度教的屠妖节也被视为是灯的节日。The Sikh festival coincides with the Hindu festival of Diwali , the "Festival of Lights" this year.

在当阿姆利的时候,斯奈特出于世界最神圣的锡克教神殿的考虑,她就住在金殿的旁边。While in Amritsar, Snatam lived next door to the Golden Temple, considered the world's holiest Sikh temple.

29岁的Beasla说,印度人民最流行的祭奠习俗就是点燃长明灯或是去寺庙祭拜。Broader traditions among Indians are to light a candle or go to a temple, said Beasla, 29, whose family is Sikh.

国防部公布了20种新食谱,其中包括18种清真、素食以及锡克族和印度食品。The Ministry of Defence launched the 20 new menus along with 18 halal, vegetarian and Sikh and Hindu variations.

这种配有剑鞘的三英寸长钝口短剑是锡克教的一种圣物。The kirpan, a sheathed, three-inch knife with a dulled blade, is one of the sacred symbols of the Sikh religion.

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中印边界西段起源于1834年,当时锡克教联合会征服了拉达克。The western portion of the Sino-Indian boundary originated in 1834, with the Sikh Confederation's conquest of Ladakh.

类似出现在巴塞罗纳锡克教节上这些印度人的移民正在充实欧洲停滞的人口增长率。Immigrants like these Indians at a Sikh festival in Barcelona are bolstering Europe's stagnant population growth rate.

奥巴马总统给威斯康辛州州长、当地市长和锡克庙的理事打了电话,表达了他的哀悼之意。He called the governor of Wisconsin, the mayor of the town and the trustee of the Sikh temple to express his condolences.

上世纪90年代中期,锡克教叛乱被平定,但是印度当局仍然不愿意让游客在日落之后重返泰姬陵。The Sikh insurgency ended in the mid-1990s, but Indian authorities have remained reluctant to let visitors back to the Taj after sunset.

一名包着粉头巾的高大锡克族人是一家这样的收奶站的负责人,他说自己的家人在加拿大生活,但他并不愿意放弃自己的工作去和他们团聚。One collection-point manager, a tall Sikh in a pink turban, says his family is inCanadabut he would not dream of quitting his job to join them.

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其中一个采集点的经理是一个头戴粉色穆斯林头布的锡克教教徒,他说他家其实在加拿大,但是他不会为了和他们在一起而放弃这份工作。One collection-point manager, a tall Sikh in a pink turban, says his family is in Canada but he would not dream of quitting his job to join them.

在三人遇害的修车铺前的空地上,五十名当地的穆斯林和锡克社区成员聚集在一起进行烛光守夜。On the forecourt of the garage where the three died, members of the local Muslim and Sikh community came together for prayers in a candlelit vigil.

关于锡克教徒的好战,克什米尔,斯里兰卡的冲突和孟加拉战争,该书仅作了教科书式的平叙,穿插了些莫名其妙且不合逻辑的推论。Sikh militancy, Kashmir, the Sri Lanka conflict and the Bangladesh war are recounted in school textbook prose, accompanied by some baffling non sequiturs.