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我们回溯到这儿。We backtrack to here.

我们再次回溯到这儿。We backtrack to here again.

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我接下来要做的一件事就是回溯。The next thing I'm going to do is backtrack.

这位教授的脸马上红了,他还想试图掩饰自己说的话。The professor's face turned red, and he tried to backtrack.

返回检验表明,该模型对双峰分布有更好的估计效果。Backtrack test shows that this model has better estimation effect to bimodal distribution.

我们开车去顺义的时候迷路了,我们只能走很长的一段回头路,最后找到了那条正确的路。We got lost driving to Shunyi so had to backtrack quite a lot until we finally found the correct road.

萨科奇的发言人后来似乎又出来打圆场,称萨科奇“并未威胁”要退出峰会。Mr. Sarkozy's spokesman later appeared to backtrack somewhat, saying 'there is no threat' to leave the summit.

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利用了FAN算法的多路回退和回溯等主要特色,提高了测试生成算法的效率。By using backtrace and backtrack of FAN algorithm, the efficiency of test generation algorithm has be improved.

当我试图从生成的代码回头去寻找问题时,我就处在疲于进行治疗的状态。As long as I was trying to backtrack from generated code to find problems, I was on the cure side of this saying.

盖茨去年批评海军对巨型航母的过度依赖之后,盖茨被迫收回讲话,。Even Gates was forced to backtrack after his speech last year criticizing the Navy’s over-reliance on huge flattops.

我们正在寻求其它的解决办法,不过最好还是希望巴拉那州政府能撤消转基因禁令。We are looking at alternative routes, although the hope is that the Parana state government will backtrack on its ban.

所以我们要尝试在这个双曲线上找到,所能达到的最小值。,actually,be,realized,on,the,hyperbola。,那这个点在什么地方呢,这,我就要倒后退一下。We are trying to look for the smallest value of f that will f When does that happen? Well, I have to backtrack a little bit.

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举例来说,如果一片叶子里充满了食用性植物油,代谢组学公司的这套技术便可以侦测到这种改变,并追溯到负责的基因。If a plant leaf brims with a food oil, for instance, Metanomics can detect that change—and backtrack to the responsible gene.

董事会也批准了探索分拆个人电脑业务的计划,最后高管们放弃了,说没有做出最后决定。It approved a plan to explore unloading the PC business, only to have executives backtrack and say there was no final decision.

一些本来支持他的人们,比如乌比·戈德堡也开始倒戈,澄清自己的立场。Already some early supporters of the director, such as actress Whoopee Goldberg, have had to backtrack and clarify their positions.

从师大夜市出来,沿着龙泉街向北往回走,慢行20分钟后,你会走到永康街。Exit the Shida market and backtrack your way north on Longquan Street -- you'll hit Yongkang Street after a leisurely 20-minute walk.

通过对图书的回溯数据编制工作实践,就一些数据的主题标引字段提出了简浅的分析与认识。Through the practice of compiling the data backtrack of the books, this paper briefly analyzes the subject indexing field of some data.

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因此构架师需要是厚脸皮的,因为他们很可能在项目开发过程中更正自己的决定,并且按原路返回查找问题。Thus, the architect needs to be "thick-skinned" since they may need to correct their decisions and backtrack at times during a project.

执行将恰在分配该块以前中断,您可以向回追踪以确定哪个例程执行了错误调用。Execution will break just before allocating the block, and you can backtrack to determine what routine was responsible for the bad call.

为了更好地理解他的观点,让我们先回到几天前高考结束的日子。To better understand his point, let's backtrack a few days to when this year's national university entrance exams, or Gaokao, concluded.