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德国两位民众坐在一张弯曲的长沙发上。Two people sit on a long, curvy couch in Germany.

这些照片展示出了同样的弧形设计。These pictures seem to point to the same curvy design.

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我们是一个崇尚曲线美的国家却不能正确对待有曲线美的人。We're a curvy country that can't handle looking at curvy people.

我是一个直人,但我的观点是弯的但并不狭隘。I may be straight, but my views are curvy and anything but narrow.

每一个身条好的女孩都会花钱买的。Every curvy girl that has a dollar is willing to spend that dollar.

我的脚上有蹄,我还有羊角,长得长而弯曲。I have hoofs for feet and I might have horns that grow long and curvy.

继续使用动画,将肥胖者与曲线型的比较,或将骨瘦如柴的与瘦弱型比较。Go through the animation and compare full-figured to curvy or skinny to thin.

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由上图可知,曲线型女性在29岁时自信心强于骨瘦如柴型的,而且一直保持领先。Curvy women pass skinny ones in self-confidence at age 29 and never look back.

正如我们前面所学过的,线可直也可曲,也可以是有机的。As we’ve learned, lines can be straight, but they can also be curvy and organic.

这将是那些弯黄瓜和多节胡萝卜的春天。"This marks the new dawn for the curvy cucumber and the knobby carrot, " said E.

曲线动人的女性自然满心喜悦,而那些臀部平的女性则争相想要加入她们的行列。While curvy women rejoiced, those with flat backsides scrambled to join the club.

韦斯特还把这个故事的发生时间放在了十九世纪后期,她知道这一时期的衣服穿在她那丰满而曲线尽现的身材时非常好看。She knew that the clothing from this period looked good on her large and curvy body.

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这栋具有开拓性的24层流线型建筑预计在2013年竣工。Ground-breaking for this curvy 24-story office building is expected sometime in 2013.

蜿蜒曲折的小径带著你走向一座灯塔,你可以从岩石上巡视威尔士的梅奈海峡。A curvy footpath leads to a lighthouse looking over rocks to the Menai Straits in Wales.

该系列中人物玩偶凹凸有致的身材和马尾辫让那些博客作者感到恼怒。The bloggers were offended by the curvy figures and ponytails of the female play figures.

避走弯曲的小路或是偏僻的乡村小路是降低风险的很简单的方法。Avoiding curvy roads or isolated rural routes is one easy way to cut way down on the risk.

就让自己舒舒服服地坐进这把曲线形的椅子,看一会儿电视,休息一下,或者读一本书。Just sink into its unique curvy shape and watch the TV or rest for a while or read a book.

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有一个三,创建一个从白天到夜晚不同层次的动态效果弯曲墙。There is a curvy wall in 3 different layers that creates a dynamic effect from day to night.

曲线动人的女性自然满心喜悦,而那些臀部平的女性则争相想要加入她们的行列。While curvy women rejoiced, those with flat backsides scrambled to join the club. The solution?

研究人员称,这些女性腰部与臀部的比例都在0.6至0.7之间。The researchers say that the ideal ratio for an intelligent curvy woman lies between 0.6 and 0.7.