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我都不知道在说什么了!Holey moley, I don't even know what that means!

继荷兰多孔奶酪之后,现在也有了一种带孔的荷兰字体。After Dutch holey cheese, there now is a Dutch font with holes as well.

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在最近几年,多孔光纤激光器受到关注。Holey fibers lasers has attracted considerable interest in the recent years.

本文提出了高拉制速度对有孔光纤参数的影响。The effects of high drawing speeds on parameters of holey fibers are presented.

本文主要对多孔光纤以及其双折射特性研究情况进行总结。The holey fibers and their birefringence characteristics are reviewed in this paper.

那就好像试著用一根中空的麦杆当吸管一样不恰当,天啊,我甚至不知道那是在干嘛!It's like trying to suck on a holey straw. Holey moley, I don't even know what that means!

六角点阵的掺铒多孔光纤是通过采用有效折射率法建模的。Erbium-doped holey fiber with hexagonal lattice was modeled by using effective index method.

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第二章应用拟群,直积自同构群及其他方法构作各图的带洞图设计。In Chapter 2, construct some holey H-designs using quasigroups, directed product automorphism group as well as other methods.

在实验条件下双板多孔挡墙控制去除夹杂物效果优于堰-坝挡墙控制形式。Under the experimental condition, the inclusion removal rate of the double holey baffles control is higher than that of the weir-dam control.

为了计算周期结构包层多孔光纤的等效阶跃折射率,采用了全矢量基本空间充填模式法。In order to calculate the equivalent step index of the periodic structure of the cladding holey optical fiber, all-vectorial fundamental space filling mode approach was utilized.

结合计算机断层成像方法,提出了一种新的相位恢复显微测量实验技术。A method to determine three-dimensional refractive index profile of holey fiber using a combination of quantitative phase microscopy and tomographic reconstruction techniques is described.

用“筒中筒”方法高速拉制了有孔光纤预制样品,目标是符合下一代通信系统的量产需求。A holey fiber preform structure was made by using tube-in-tube method and was drawn at high speeds with an aim of mass production to meet the demand of next generation communication systems.

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测量了拉制成的有孔光纤的数值孔径和归一化频率等传输参数,并基于有效折射率方法与理论值进行了比较。Transmission parameters such as numerical aperture and normalized frequency of the fabricated holey fibers have been measured and compared with theoretical values based on effective index method.