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就像我说的,古怪。Like I said, quirky.

一部关于单恋的离奇影片。A quirky film about unrequited love.

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每个工作的地方都有古怪的人。And every work place has quirky people.

诡异地被完成了,为燕姿新专辑而做的歌曲。Quirky is done! the song for yanzi's new album.

不喜欢打字的离奇的移动电话键盘?Don't like typing on quirky mobile phone keypads?

我有奇特的幽默感。I definitely have kind of a quirky sense of humor.

你可以买到新奇的东西。And you can do good shopping there for quirky things.

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只有使用这种古怪地边距、字体和布局才能使这一对应关系成为现实。Quirky margins, fonts and placement skew this formula.

阿迈尔•卡扎菲,一位古怪且树敌无数的领导人。Muammar Gaddafi, the leader of quirky and full antagonists.

但和很多几经沧海的山中小镇来说,里克还算不错。And for many in this quirky mountain town, that's just fine.

通过伐木场,见见某位古怪的当地居民。Take a walk through the logging area, meet one of the quirky locals.

这样古怪的一幕被麦克莱斯菲尔德森林附近的摄像机捕捉了下来。The quirky scene was captured on camera close to Macclesfield Forest.

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通过伐木场,见见某位古怪的当地居民。G Take a walk through the logging area, meet one of the quirky locals.

所有平淡无奇,月亮一样的外观,汞是一种非常古怪的地方。For all its bland, moon-like appearance, Mercury is a very quirky place.

秦明的助理因不堪忍受秦明的古怪脾气而辞职。Qin ning's assistant resigned because of his unbearable and quirky temper.

许多驱动程序设计非常详细,有时稀奇古怪的方式安慰。Many drive-ins devised very elaborate and sometimes quirky modes of comfort.

当这城市强盛时,他可以容忍这样一个怪异的哲学家。When the city was feeling strong, the quirky philosopher could be tolerated.

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这个中世纪封建制度遗留下来的诡异的小国,面积只有62平方英里。This quirky remnant of medieval feudal politics is just about 62 square miles.

但事实上,很多都是因为光的反射形成的。Most of them are reflections of lights, flashes or some quirky image pixelation.

他们每一个人都有可爱的个性、独特的爱好和古怪的行事。Each person with their own charming personality, unique interests and quirky ways.