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无用功会给你安心、轻松的工作。Busywork can give you a reassuring, small-bore task.

你可以继续忙碌,你也可以选择做更多很棒的工作。You can keep doing the busywork. Or you can do more Great Work.

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“我忙是因为我有目标,”格雷先生说,“这是种有目的的无用功。”“I’m busier because I have a direction, ” Mr. Gray said. “It’s purposeful busywork.”

也许你并不相信自己能摆脱繁忙工作的陷阱。You may not be able to trust yourself to that extent without falling into the busywork trap.

我结束了多个任务,很容易分散注意力,并预设为做不重要繁忙工作。I end up multi-tasking, becoming easily distracted and default to doing unimportant busywork.

很多需要答复的跑腿差事、电话、函件以及其他忙活充斥着你的议事日程。Many errands, phone calls, letters which require a response, and other "busywork" is on the agenda.

钢结构石油平台是海洋石油开发的重要作业设施。Steel structure petroleum platform is one of important busywork establishments of ocean petroleum exploitation.

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钢结构石油平台是海洋石油开发的重要作业设施。A Steel structure petroleum platform is one of important busywork establishments of ocean petroleum exploitation.

忙忙碌碌的几个月当中有那么几天里的几个小时,真是吓死人。Sometimes I was absolutely terrified, but those were just a few hours, in a few days of months and months of busywork.

有时,在老师眼里,富有天赋的儿童会认为是坏孩子,因为他们会拒绝认为是过重的家庭作业。Sometimes, gifted children are disruptive in classrooms because they refuse to do exercises they consider to be busywork.

在律师事务所,几乎每天都会有人失业,做无用功对他们的薪水没有帮助。At law firms, which have been jolted almost daily by layoffs, busywork rarely translates into that all-important billable hour.

作业基准成本管理,就是将数字化医院的各种服务产品视为一个个作业所组成,这些作业耗费的是医院的资源。Busywork benchmark cost management means that the manager takes each service product as a busywork, which consumes the resource of the hospital.

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由于电信线路的成本很高,您肯定不希望管道中加入这些繁重的负担,而这些是能避免或者至少能降低的。Because the cost of telecommunications lines is so high, you would hate to fill the pipe with such busywork that could be avoided or at least reduced.

然而,实际上,似乎逻辑数据建模与几乎不向组织提供真正价值的官僚作业没有差别。However, in practice it seems that logical data modeling proves to be little more than bureaucratic busywork that provides little real value to your organization.

在平常的一天里,一个人会知道他将整个早上都精力充沛,直到午饭之后,当他处于精力低下的时候就只适合做回复电子邮件这样的事情了。On an average day, a person may know he'll feel energized all morning, until after lunchtime, when he has low energy that suits busywork such as answering emails.

当你在帮助某人把一个有问题的语句改正确的时候,你要做的最后一件事是给他们布置一些没有实际用处的技术工作。When you're trying to help someone learn how to go from a problem statement to working code, the last thing you want is to get them sidetracked by faux-engineering busywork.

认真对待你的实习工作。即使你的工作都是些琐事,你也要严肃认真地对待,体现你的职业态度和素养。Treat the internship as you would any other job. Take your assignments seriously, even when it seems that you're doing busywork. Maintain a professional attitude and demeanor.

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阿尔瓦拉辛的研究并没有得出解决这些问题的答案,但是无可置疑的是社会中还是有一些人很好的接收并利用到那些“想做就做”的激励人心的信息,因为忙碌的工作中总是会有那么些有意义的事情等着你去做。Albarracin’s research doesn’t suggest remedies, but clearly there are people in our society who cope with the demand to “just do it”, becuase meaningful work gets done along with all the busywork.