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而中国甚至可能获得更多的赞誉。China may even garner more praise.

蓝钻众所周知价格很高。Blue diamonds have been known to garner high prices.

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女星詹妮弗·加纳有重叠的小脚趾。Actress Jennifer Garner has an overlapping pinky toe.

更具有魅力可能有助于候选人获得更多的选票。Being more attractive could help a candidate garner more votes.

但是这可能不足以获得投向俄罗斯候选人的选票。But this may not be enough to garner votes for a Russian candidate.

那些能把日常生活细节写得风生水起的人赢得了大批听众。Those who can make life’s mundane details interesting garner a large audience.

如果真的是那样,我要储藏我最喜欢的衣服,留作未来之用。If that’s true, I’m going to garner my favorite clothes and save them for the future.

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它们的体制是储藏存款和投资,再把它们全额吐出来。They are geared to garner savings and investments and push them out on a wholesale basis.

成功往往带来金钱和吹捧,但最惨烈的失败也能带来知名度。Money and adulation are rightly due to high achievers but the very worst garner recognition too.

季前名单以及排名只是公开出来给大家的谈资,我想这是好的。The preseason lists and rankings are just to garner talk and publicity, which I suppose is good.

电影星级Demetri马丁,埃利奥特和还拥有亨利古德曼,保罗和Kelli加纳。The film stars Demetri Martin as Elliot and also features Henry Goodman, Paul Dano and Kelli Garner.

如果时代需要和平抗议,那就拿出你能想到的所有噱头去吸引媒体。If the times call for peace protests, you pull every stunt you can dream up to garner media attention.

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正如你所听说的,他们的罗曼史有很多激情部分,使得影片被评级为NC-17。As you may have heard, their romance is consummated in a sufficiently sexy manner to garner an NC-17 rating.

潜在的航空母舰和094型弹道导弹潜艇获得最大多数的注意。The potential for an aircraft carrier and the Type 094 ballistic missile submarine garner the most attention.

“花童”薇奥莱特·阿弗莱克很明显长成其母詹妮弗·加纳的小可爱版了。Flower-child Violet Affleck is obviously blossoming into a darling little version of her mommy Jennifer Garner.

尽管如此,视觉设计仍然是人们关注的核心——因为这是区分内容和吸引用户注意最主要的方法。Even so, the focus was still on visual design—it was the primary way to distinguish content and garner attention.

再或者把一部影片放在小飞机屏幕上相比放在多重渠道上看可能收集到的受欢迎比率会相对较低。Or a film that was seen on a small airplane screen may garner a lower rating than if it were seen at a large multiplex.

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雷诺甚至必须完成雇佣兵任务来得到足够的短期资金以修补和装备他的部队。Raynor has had to resort to occasional mercenary work just to garner enough funds to repair and rearm in the short term.

许多名人例如杰西卡·阿尔芭和詹尼弗·加纳已经知道在关注他们体重的时候吃蛋白鸡蛋饼。Celebrities such as Jessica Alba and Jennifer Garner have been known to eat egg white omelets when watching their weight.

七月份德国ZEW调查将引来一些关注,并有可能显示经济景气指标进一步下跌。The July German ZEW survey will garner some interest and is likely to show a further slight decline in economic sentiment.