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你写的关于莎乐美的故事很精彩。Profit, Your story on Salome Bey is fantastic.

以太贝清真寺,歌剧院与钟塔。Ethem Bey Mosque, clock tower with Opera House.

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非常感谢他邀请我参与这部电影的拍摄!Special thanks to Bey for inviting me to be a part of the film.

攻略好转,克拉布特里大流士海伍德,贝,它们在想什么?Raiders pick Darrius Haywood Bey over Crabtree what were you thinking?

导演和制片到武术组研究武打动作。Director Michael Biehn and Producer Bey Logan are working on action scenes.

同样,空山基的作品的存档,仍然可以在瑞典大学网络中心的FTP存档站处找到。By the wa ay, Sorayama Hajime's work can also bey found at the Swedish University Network's FTP Archive too.

通常的需求,相似的组织,共享的数据和可复用的功能都应该被公开的讨论和协作。Common requirements, similar issues, shared data, and reusable functionality all should bey discussed and coordinated.

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让我以说如果我能活一千年,有一件事我不会改变的是我的种族这样的话开头。Let me start by saying that if I had my life to live over thousand times, the one thing I would not change would bey race.

贝根,一名学生洪园和一个狂热的武侠电影爱好者已编辑的两英国出版物,打击杂志和杂志的影响。Bey Logan, a student of Hung Gar and an avid martial arts film buff has been editor of two UK publications, Combat magazine and Impact magazine.

据消息人士透露,惠特曼已经同美国共和党高层探讨了2010年竞选加州州长的可能性。Disclose according to message personage, whitman had been discussed with high level of American republic party entered into an election contest 2010 the possibility of California bey.