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安全的基础设施。A security-rich infrastructure.

安新基础设施完善。An improved new infrastructure.

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后勤基础结构的规模评估Sizing back-office infrastructure

潮阳有较完善的基础设施。Chaoyang has a better infrastructure.

避免伙伴托管的基础结构。Avoid partner-mandated infrastructure.

您应该怎样调整基础结构?How should you modify your infrastructure?

把OVF映射到OCCI基础设施模型Mapping OVF to OCCI’s Infrastructure Model

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实体基础设施和能源行业。Physical Infrastructure and energy industry.

能源基础设施需要重新思考。Energy infrastructure needs to be re-thought.

基础设施项目——而且是大量的基础设施建设项目。Infrastructure projects -- and a lot of them.

多玩家在线游戏基础结构层Multiplayer online game infrastructure layers

能够执行基础设施的审查和核准。Can perform infrastructure reviews and audits.

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需要规定或者弃用基础。Provision or retire infrastructure as required.

中国建成的公共设施已经处于世界第一。The nation has built first-world infrastructure.

消费者所产生的基础设施成本作为可变的运营成本Buyers incur infrastructure costs as variable OPEX

在这部分中,我们将构建我们的基础架构。In this segment, we will build our infrastructure.

及时响应的、灵活的且可扩展的基础设施Responsive, flexible, and extendible infrastructure

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所以,在基础施设方面,我们有许多工作要做。So we’ve got a lot of work to do on infrastructure.

美国有能力并且应当多花钱在基础设施上。America can and should spend more on infrastructure.

关键就在于发展基础设施建设。One key element is thedevelopment of infrastructure.