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是非常微妙的It's very subtle.

同样很微妙。It's get still subtle.

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微凉,这是如此微妙的词语。Cool, this is so subtle words.

挑染是非常细微的。The highlights are very subtle.

这是一个非常精妙的问题。This is a pretty subtle problem.

这个太高端了Well that's getting subtle here.

共同知识有严格的定义Common knowledge is a subtle thing.

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德布西是细致又喧闹的吗?Is Debussy both subtle and blatant?

柔和的棕黄色带微妙的绿色光泽。Soft tan with a subtle green sheen.

这里有一些细微的区别。So, there's subtle difference there.

这是一个难以捉摸的本质问题。It's a subtle but essential question.

我每次都中了那狡猾的圈套。I fall for that subtle plot every time!

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大多数时候这种变化是微妙的。Most of the time, this shift is subtle.

全球化的艺术是一种微妙的艺术。The art of globalization is a subtle one.

另外一种影响是品牌效应,它的作用强得多。Another much less subtle influence is brand.

吉米是一个技艺精湛的金银匠。Jimmy was a subtle worker in gold and silver.

调整到一个微妙的曲线线的弯'。Adjust the curves line into a subtle 'S-bend'.

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时间多么迅捷,青春的高妙窃贼。How soon hath Time, the subtle thief of youth.

卡利什说,塞拉斯“的方向是潜移默化的。Kalish says that Sellars' direction is subtle.

排卵迹象和征候通常很微妙。Ovulation signs and symptoms are often subtle.