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五颜六色的香石竹被摆到花店里。Colorful carnations were placed in florist.

不满意的顾客责骂花商。The dissatisfied customer berated the florist.

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一位在纽约的种花人,担心他的货运是否能够准时到达。A florist in New York worries shipments won't arrive.

有一天一个白人的卖花人去找他理发。One day a Caucasian florist goes to him for a haircut.

经理生气极了,打电话找来卖花的人要质问他是怎麽回事。The owner was angry and called the florist to complain.

慧媛走出这间花店时,敏宇感受到她的气息弥漫在空中。Hye-won walked out of this florist while Min-woo felt her presence.

走入路边拐角的玻璃房,为自己选一朵玫瑰。Walk into the Florist of the end of street, choosing a rose for myself.

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他拿起电话向花店老板抱怨地说,“到底怎么回事?He called the florist to complain and asked, "What in the world happened?"

初级花艺师的职责是负责每天的花艺制作。Junior Florist are responsible for producing flower arrangements each day.

你要确定你收到鲜花。如果他不知道花店是什么,甩无赦。Ensure you receive flowers. If he doesn't know what a florist is, dump him.

当我们出去的时候,请叫花商送一打玫瑰到我们的套房。While we're out, please have the florist send up a dozen roses to our suite.

多丽开设花店,从新出发,宏远全力支持。Duoli runs a florist and starts her new life. Hongyuan gives her full support.

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本文就网上鲜花店的实现做了一些探索。This text has done some exploration on the realization of the online florist shop.

我们的花店是一家专业的集实体店与网上店为一体的鲜花店。Our florist is a professional entities set shop and online flower shop into a shop.

饭店大厅就有一个花商,我只要拨个内线电话就行了。There is a florist right in the hotel lobby. All I have to do is call on the house phone.

在2009年的2月14日情人节这天,一个花商在花店里准备红康乃馨。A florist prepares red carnations at a flower shop on Valentine's Day in Tirana February 14, 2009.

谢谢你把我捡到的花看得跟花店里的一样漂亮。Thank you for thinking the flowers I picked were just as beautiful as the ones in the florist shop.

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行啊,我们将订单传至您所在城市的加盟店。他们提供当天服务。Well, we can send your order to our member florist in your city. They will give you same-day service.

根据花艺师设计的样式和制作指南来制作当天所需的花艺作品。They will work with models and instructions issued by Florist to produce whatever is necessary for that day.

他扮演一个会自我拯救的高手,詹妮弗扮演一个有漂亮头发的“古怪倒霉的卖花女”。He plays a self-help guru, Jennifer plays an "eccentric, unlucky-in-love florist" with great hair, of course.