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天晓得,我是举目无亲啊!I am friendless enough, God knows!

她的势利令她没有朋友。Her snobbery has rendered her friendless.

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无依无靠者的朋友啊!我已孑然一身!Friend of the friendless! I am friendless.

多么孤独寂寞的巴特必须。How lonely and friendless Bartleby must be.

他原猜想她是孤苦伶仃没有朋友的。He had imagined her as utterly bereft and friendless.

这就是中国如此缺少朋友的真实原因。And there lies the real reason why China is so friendless.

这是中国没有朋友的真正原因。And there lies the real reason why China is so friendless.

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然而,我们并不能把她看作是没有朋友的隐士。Yet, to think of her as a friendless hermit would be incorrect.

想寻求完美朋友的人,会没有朋友----土耳其成语。Who seeks a faultless friend remains friendless ----Turkish proverb.

她站到他兄弟那边。似乎是因为她不大受欢迎。It looks like she's reaching out to her brother because she's friendless.

与几乎没有朋友的卡扎菲不同的是,阿萨德还有强大的地区同盟。Unlike the largely friendless Col. Gadhafi, Mr. Assad also has powerful regional allies.

英国国王查理二世在伍斯特被克伦威尔打败,出逃到法国。England's Charles II, defeated by Cromwell at Worcester, fled to France, destitute and friendless.

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接下来像大多数这类故事的情节一样,在一文不名的时候,他发现连朋友也没有了。As generally happens in such cases, the moment he was penniless he found that he was friendless too.

为什麽不看看你身边,一个无依无靠、孤苦伶仃的女人正等著你救助呢?Why don't you look around? A friendless , helpless , and lonely woman is waiting for you to save her!

没有一个人比找到一个以逆耳的忠言相告的真诚朋友的人更没有朋友的了。There is no man so friendless but what he can find a friend sincere enough to tell him disagreeable truths.

我的朋友没有提到在电视机前捱过的那些漫长寂寞的冬夜——在那儿,看电视几乎是惟一的娱乐了。My friend fails to mention the long and friendless winter evening in front of the TV-virtually the only form of entertainment.

在顺境的日子里冯先生朋友很多,现在一旦破产,他发觉自己一个朋友也没有,非常孤独。Mr. Feng had many friends when he was in a purple patch but now that he has gone bankrupt,he finds himself alone and friendless.

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当你变得沉迷于自我的兴趣而浑然不觉朋友的存在时,正是你走上众叛亲离之路的开始。When you become so consumed with your own interests that you forget about your friends, you are well on your way to becoming friendless.

你必须首先考虑最大危险——你的行为加起来可能会使你和美国变得孤立无友。Above all, you must consider the ultimate danger -- that any combination of actions could leave you and the nation isolated and friendless.

他说他之所以在暑假带我去上班,是因为我是个交不到朋友的废物,他不想让我整天呆在家里变得更肥。He told me the only reason he's letting me work with him over the summer is because I'm a friendless loser, and he didn't want me staying home getting fatter.