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但是那种理念有点过时了。But that philosophy feels outmoded.

这年头,可不兴种族歧视!This year, but outmoded racial discrimination!

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从这方面来看,我们选拔干部的制度是落后的。In this respect, our system of selecting cadres is outmoded.

水上运输已因铁路和良好的税道而变得过时了。Water transportation was outmoded by railroads and good pikes.

保持传统并非意味着抱残守缺或冥顽不化。Being traditional does not mean being old-fashioned or outmoded.

我们又如何判断哪些是有用的哪些又是无益的呢?How do we judge which barriers are useful and which are outmoded?

往往我们的猜疑是基于过时的想法或印象。Too often our suspicions are based on outmoded ideas or impressions.

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从大多数人来看,领带这个男人的配件已经过时了。This men's accessory has become, in the eyes of some, an outmoded one.

因此,让我们别再被邮件和旧观点奴役,从今而后废除掉这种过时的惯例吧!So let's stop acting like it is, and kill this outmoded social convention.

我们要抛弃陈规陋习以跟上新时代的步伐。We should abandon all outmoded conventions and customs to keep pace with new era.

其实,自从苏联帝国垮塌以来,F-22战机就已废弃过时。Of course, the F-22 had been totally outmoded since the collapse of the Soviet empire.

结果部分冷链设备陈旧、冷链容量少。Results A part of the cold-chain equipment was outmoded. The cold-chain volume was low.

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近年以来,专心实业似乎已经是一件十分“落伍”的事情了。These years concentrating in the industrial heart is seemed to be regarded as outmoded.

如果你只涉猎你能力所及的领域,那么你的技能就会过时。If you only extend into places where your skill sets serve you, your skills will become outmoded.

但金士顿窄板内存的出现则打破了这一陈规。But Jin Shidu the narrow boards memory's appearance has broken this outmoded rules and regulations.

方法对21例陈旧性颌骨骨折患者采用小型钛板内固定并随访观察。Methods Followed up 21 cases of jaw bone outmoded fracture which were treated with titanium mini-plate.

政府对落伍的生产方式的放任自由和对其的补贴也许会令到这种革命延迟数年,甚至数十年。The regulations and subsidies that protect outmoded methods may delay the revolution for years, or even decades.

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就像东北许多旧时的国有工厂,这家工厂也无法在中国新的开放市场经济中竞争。Like many of the region's outmoded state-run factories, the plant couldn't compete in China's new open-market economy.

好,再来谈谈历史证据,这至少已经过时了18个月,这一点我们看一下济慈的信就能发现。Well, again just in terms of historical evidence, this is outmoded by at least eighteen months if we consult Keats's letters.

如果这个国家打算减少染污,那么其陈旧的生产设备就需要以很高代价进行更换或翻新。Outmoded production equipment will have to be replaced or retrofitted at high cost if the country intends to reduce pollution.