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在这雄伟粗犷的太行山中。In the craggy Taihang Mountains.

这里是太行山观日台。Here is Taihang Sun -Watching Spot.

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它被人们誉为是太行之魂呢。People call it the Soul of the Taihang Mountains.

太行水泥是一个很好的开始,作为黑马!Taihang Cement is a great start as the dark horse!

红旗渠就修建在这太行山上。The canal was built right in the Taihang Mountains.

安阳的林州市就坐落太行山脚下。Linzhou City of Anyang lies right at the foot of the Taihang Mountains.

这些就是太行区经济建设的简略介绍。The above was a brief account of economic development in the Taihang area.

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试验结果表明,本研究成果在太行山区具有很好的推广应用价值。This shows that the researched result may be applied abroad in Taihang mountain.

山西省位于太行山以西,也因此得名于“山西省”。Shanxi Province got its name due to its location to the west of Taihang Mountain.

邢台西部太行山区位于河北省西南部,属于太行山脉南段。Taihang Mountain Area in West Xingtai is located in the southwest of Hebei Province.

郭峪古城郭峪古城是太行山麓一座唐初建置的城堡。Guoyu old city Guoyu old city is a castle built at Taihang Mountain in early Tang dynasty.

今天我和韩佳就要带你去林州的太行大峡谷看一看。Today, Han Jia and I will bring you to Linzhou to take a look at the Grand Taihang Canyon.

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从太行山里的白坨村的例子可以看出这种战争使敌人烦恼到了什么程度。How annoying this can be is to be seen from the village of Paicha in the Taihang Mountains.

太行、太岳物价之低,在很长一个时候,为他区所不及。Prices in the Taihang and Taiyue areas have been lower than in other areas for a long time.

太行大峡谷位于河南省林州市,长达50公里。Photo shows the scenery of Taihang Grand Canyon in Linzhou city, central China's Henan Province.

太行山东麓的焚风效应也加大了持续高温强度。The foehn effect in the east foot of the Taihang Moutain strengthened the high temperature as well.

太行山低山区干旱缺水严重,大大制约了山区经济发展。Water resource was poor in the hilly area Taihang Mountains, which restricted economic development.

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确定太行山区鹦哥绿豆的最佳种植密度。The study aimed to confirm the optimum planting density of Yingge mungbean in Taihang mountain area.

海河流域太行山前地带含水层具有巨大的储水空间和良好的调节能力,是一巨大的潜在地下水库。The aquifer of Taihang piedmont area has a huge water storage capacity and good regulation capability.

盂县地理位置偏北,处太行山之巅,属温带大陆性气候。Yuxian northerly location, the Department of Taihang Mountain Top, is a temperate continental climate.