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例如,台北和仰光之间每周有四次航班。For example, Taipei has four flights to Rangoon a week.

联邦巩固发展党总部由仰光迁往首都尼必都。The headquarters was also moved from Rangoon to Naypyitaw.

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救援物资现在能按步就班地运抵仰光。Relief supplies now are regularly being flown into Rangoon.

食品商贩上了离开缅甸仰光市的一列火车。Food traders join a train leaving the Burmese city of Rangoon.

那一年,仰光之夏成为缅甸版的布拉格之春。That Rangoon summer grew into Burma's version of a Prague spring.

如果韦伯也被称为将能够看到在仰光昂山苏姬。Nor is known if Webb will be able to see Aung San Suu Kyi in Rangoon.

“我看了又看,但我的名字没了,”一个仰光居民说。"I looked and looked, but my name was not there, " says one Rangoon resident.

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缅甸反对派领袖昂山素季目前被关押在仰光永盛监狱的一间小屋中。Aung San Suu Kyi is being held in a lodge inside the Insein Prison in Rangoon.

潘先生将于周日抵达仰光,参加国际捐助者大会。Ban will retain to Rangoon , where the international donors' conference will take place.

韩磊,44,一个土生掸族艺术家,从仰光大学美术学院毕业。Harn Lay, 44, an ethnic Shan artist, graduated from the Rangoon School of Fine Arts Academy.

多年以前,我领一个朝圣团从雪布去曼德勒参观佛塔。Many years ago, I led a group of pilgrims from Shwebo to visit pagodas in Mandalay and Rangoon.

比尔斯说,联合国在仰光和曼谷有巨大的仓库,能储藏救援物资。Byrs says the U.N. has huge warehouses in Rangoon and Bangkok where they can store relief items.

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比尔斯说,联合国在仰光和曼谷有巨大的仓库,能储藏救援物资。Byrs says the U. N. has huge warehouses in Rangoon and Bangkok where they can store relief items.

在仰光,大米的价格仅这个月就翻了一番,而鸡蛋等其他主要食品的价格也都大幅度上涨。Rice prices in Rangoon have doubled this month while prices of staples such as eggs had risen sharply.

仰光知情人士说,军方官员,包括指挥官们,都已被邀请前往出席此次会议。Sources in Rangoon said military officials, including commanders, have been called in for the meeting.

美国官员与昂山素季的会谈在仰光的临湖宾馆举行,当昂山素季走进宾馆时,她只字未提。Aung San Suu Kyi said nothing as she entered the lakeside hotel in Rangoon where the talks are taking place.

联合国报告说,迄今为止,已经有约180架次运载救援物资的飞机在仰光卸下货物。To date, the United Nations reports about 180 planes carrying relief supplies have been unloaded in Rangoon.

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宰西蒙达和在仰光的15位卡伦政治家注册登记克伦人民党参加2010年大选。Simon Tha and 15 Karen politicians in Rangoon registered the KPP to contest in the general elections in 2010.

虽然中国对缅甸的影响越来越大,但是仰光将不可能成为中国的战略卫星国。While Chinese influence on Myanmar is increasing, Rangoon will be unlikely to become China's satellite state.

首席律师兰雅甘住在缅甸前首都仰光,现将在克钦邦为克钦邦民主统一党工作。Top lawyer Lamya Gam lives in Rangoon the former capital of Burma and now will work for KSUDP in Kachin State.