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但是飞行不全是靠按钮和图表,小信天翁。It ain't all buttons and charts, little albatross.

那就让冷暖自知的心成为自己永远的包袱。Then let articulate the heart become ever albatross.

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在阳光笼罩下了一只黑色信天翁俯视着金港。A light- mantled sooty albatross looks down on Gold Harbour.

低飞是鹈鹕和信天翁的事,你学这干什么?Why can’t you leave low flying to the pelicans, the albatross?

我花时间观察信天翁是在加拉帕戈斯。I spent hours watching the albatross in the Galapagos hang out.

这个计划变成了项目经理脖子上的一个沉重的负担。The plan becomes a kind of albatross around the neck of the project manager. 1

而且我们告诉信天翁被认为是美国最古老的自由飞行的鸟。And we tell about an albatross thought to be America's oldest free-flying bird.

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信天翁是二零零一年的大型海鸟在夏威夷繁殖的种之一。An albatross is one of twenty-one kinds of large sea birds that reproduce in Hawaii.

有白黑羽毛的黑背信天翁,并未因为这次的灾难而灭种。The white-and-black feathered Laysan albatross is not in danger of becoming extinct.

看看这只被发现已经死亡的信天翁海鸟身体里面有些什么,它的身体中充满塑料。Look at what's inside this albatross of seabird, found dead, plastics filled its body.

任何一艘横度太平洋的轮船都会有一种小信天翁伴随飞行许多天。Any shi that crosses the Pacific is accompanied for many days by the smaller albatross.

这是最美丽的一种海鹅,海鸟中最使人赞美的一个鸟类品种。It was an albatross of the finest species, a wonderful specimen of these open-sea fowl.

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任何一艘横度太平洋的轮船都会有一种小信天翁伴随飞行许多天。Any ship that crosses the Pacific is accompanied for many days by the smaller albatross.

这些老鼠的掠食对象当中还有信天翁的幼鸟,这种幼鸟的体重约是老鼠的300倍。Among their prey are albatross fledglings, which weigh some 300 times as much as the mice.

他们是亲密的朋友从外地和吴某是一个球员信天翁前,他加入立于不败之地。They are close friends off the field and Oh was a player on Albatross before he joined Invincible.

一只虎鲨正在觅食。而此刻小小的信天翁却逃脱了虎口。A tiger shark looking for dinner. In this instance, though, the young albatross succeeded in escaping.

捕鱼是使二十一种信天翁中的十八种濒临灭绝的主要原因,他解释道。Fishing is the main reason that 18 of 21 species of albatross are threatened with extinction, he explained.

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照明电费用成为公路隧道运营中最主要开支,甚至是一笔沉重负担。The electric bill of lighting had became the main expense of the road and tunnel operation, even albatross.

黑背信天翁对偶中几乎三分之一是雌雌配对,她们一起筑巢,一起抚养后代。Almost a third of Laysan albatross couples are female-female pairs that build nests and rear young together.

信天翁爸妈经常误将鲜艳的垃圾碎片当成海洋生物喂给小鸟们吃,而误食塑料垃圾是致命的。Albatross parents often mistake colorful debris for sea life and feed it to their chicks, which can prove fatal.