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我的长统靴上粘满了泥巴。My boots are plastered with mud.

我的鞋上沾了一层泥。My shoes were plastered with mud.

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护士清洗了伤口并在上面贴了膏药。The nurse washed and plastered the wound.

倾盆大雨把他的衬衫像贴膏药一样贴在他身上。The downpour plastered his shirt to his body.

内部经过粉刷但未油饰。The interiors were plastered but not painted.

他的上衣上沾着厚厚的黄泥。His coat was plastered with thick yellow mud.

他的头发淋雨后紧贴在头皮上。His hair was plastered down to his scalp by the rain.

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可以在墙上这些毛糙的地方涂上灰泥。These rough places on the wall could be plastered over.

他的房间里贴满保时捷和法拉利车的图片。His room is plastered with pictures of Porsches and Ferraris.

恐怕我们的足球队上星期真的被打得落花流水。I'm afraid our football team was really plastered last week.

我紧紧地贴着墙,恨不得能够消失在阴影当中。I plastered myself to the wall, hoping to disappear into shadow.

“我也爱你,”我说。我感动得痴痴地笑着。"I love you too, " I said, with a dopey grin plastered on my face.

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他撕掉墙纸,发现里面是泥灰墙。Tearing away the wallpaper, he found the plastered wall underneath.

它和吸收谱线混杂,每一条都能辨认出来。It's plastered with absorption lines, and each of them can be identified.

这是地铁站的一个入口,这边的天花板较高,墙壁也粉刷过了An entry to the station. Here the ceiling is high and the walls are plastered.

磨沙纸时的尘埃厚厚地涂在我脸上和躯干上,汗流浃背。Dust from the sanding operation was plastered to the sweat on my face and torso.

图像层贴满到现有的墙壁,不论以前使用。Image layers are plastered onto the existing walls, regardless of previous uses.

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希拉“噔噔噔”地冲进护士室,她的制服上泼了厚厚一层的晚餐。Sheila stomped into the staff room, her uniform plastered with someone's dinner.

它们可以回填混凝土或灰泥在里面的牛肉他们。They can be backfilled with concrete or plastered on the inside to beef them up.

在油漆天花板之前,先得用灰泥把裂缝填塞起来。The cracks in the ceiling have to be plastered over before you can start painting.