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硫胺将淀粉类食物转变为能量。Thiamine changes starchy foods into energy.

多买绿色蔬菜,少买淀粉类蔬菜。Buy green vegetables more often than starchy vegetables.

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芭蕉是刻板类型都必须煮熟后才进食。Plantains are starchy types that are cooked before eating.

重点是那些健康的全谷类,豆类和含淀粉的蔬菜。Focus on healthful whole grains, beans and starchy vegetables.

反之,选择淀粉类的食物可以增加碳水化合物的摄取。Instead, opt for starchy foods to increase your carbohydrate intake.

你知道油炸、富含淀粉的食物会释放致癌物吗?Did you know that frying starchy foods can produce a cancer-causing substance?

玉米是一种蔬菜,含淀粉,一只玉米仅含100卡路里。While corn is a starchy vegetable, it's only about 100 calories in a whole ear.

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首先在饮酒前,先吃一些淀粉的食物,或泡一杯高纤的燕麦片先喝下。Before drinking, some starchy food or a cup of oatmeal with high fiber is a must.

适用于淀粉含量高的原料膨化,如玉米、大米、反刍饲料等。Suitable for extruding starchy feedstuffs, e. g. corn, rice, and ruminant feed etc.

最大的忌讳是米、面等淀粉类、糖类和油类食物,还有所有零食。The biggest taboo is rice, noodles, etc, sugar and oils starchy foods, and all snacks.

对水稻淀粉胚乳中的DNA进行凝胶电泳分析,不呈现典型的DNA梯状条带。The analysis of DNA of rice starchy endosperm did not show the presence of DNA laddering.

事实上淀粉类食物是非常填补相对数量的热量,它们包含的内容。In fact starchy foods are very filling relative to the number of calories that they contain.

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男女都开始吃更多含有大量淀粉的谷物,比如玉米和小麦,这些谷物含有糖。Both men and women began eating more starchy grains, such as corn and wheat, which contain sugars.

在我国南方薯类原料是最广泛的用于酒精发酵的淀粉质原料。Potatoes represent the most widely used starchy raw material in ethanol production in south China.

产自肯尼亚,作为淀粉的替代品,这种食物会粘住你的上颚。这是在很多非洲国家是一种主食。Ugali, Kenya. Starchy substance that sticks to the roof of your mouth. A staple for many Africans.

总之,这些淀粉作物在非常时期将可被用为一种替代能源。However, in case of emergency, all three starchy crops could be used as substitute energy resources.

最后用湿淀粉勾琉璃芡,轻轻浇淋在炸好的茄花眼,趁热食用。Bring to boil and thicken with starchy solution. Lightly pour over the fried eggplants and serve hot.

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以木薯或精白米等淀粉为主食的人群是疾病多发群体。It occurs where people have to exist on a starchy staple food such as cassava or polished white rice.

果实中的果肉肉质厚实,含有淀粉碳水化合物,对包裹在其中的果核起到一定的保护作用。The fleshy pulp of a berry contains starchy carbohydrate which conceals and protects the seed within.

过去的皇家婚礼,商家里庆祝的陶器和亚麻布是古板而恭敬的。For the royal weddings of the past, the celebratory crockery and linen in shops was starchy and deferential.