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商店里还有无以计数的玻璃罐。There were also innumerable glass jars.

同着数不尽的奴隶的凄苦。Along with innumerable servile miseries.

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今天铝的用途多得不可胜数。Today, the uses of aluminum are innumerable.

曾有数不清的追忆,每个追忆中有你。Once had innumerable recalling, each recalls has you.

过去无量不可思议无央数劫。In immeasurable, inconceivable, innumerable kalpas ago.

那奔腾的海浪,无数的尖锋。That wave for dash about, the sharp of the innumerable.

我感到,我在无数受害者的血海中迷失了---这就是我的梦魇。I'm lost in an ocean of blood from the innumerable victims.

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给自己,给以后无数个未知的夏至。For oneself, for later innumerable unknown summer solstices.

这几年来,他收到过无数的死亡威胁。In the years since, he has received innumerable death threats.

无论什么时候,满眼看到的都是人,数不清的拥挤人群。Whenever you look, it's people, an innumerable throng of people.

那个时候她已经经行过一个周期无数次的皮肤移植。By then she had already had the first of innumerable skin grafts.

这只是无数的这类利用中的一个实例。This is just one example of the innumerable exploits of this type.

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人民群众对干部特殊化是很不满意的。Innumerable fine cadres have come to the fore from among the masses.

纯纯的友情,曾给予了我心灵无数的感动。Purely pure friendship, once gave me the moving of mind innumerable.

无数相对真理之总和,就是绝对真理。The sum total of innumerable relative truths constitutes absolute truth.

在绝对真理的长河中,有无数的相对真理。In endless flow of absolute truth, there are innumerable relative truths.

玍命若给我无数张囬孔,我永远择择最疼痛的一张去触摸。If life for me innumerable faces, I forever choose the most ache to touch.

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政治认同是一个由无数个力的平行四边形所建构而成的。The political approval is formed by the innumerable potent parallelograms.

追寻爱情,然后发现,爱,从来就是一件千回百转的事。Pursue love, and then found, love, is never a innumerable twists and turns.

在绝对真理的长河中有无数相对真理。In the endless flow of absolute truth there are innumerable relative truths.