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我的生活满是乐趣。My life is joy.

你就是我的快乐。You are my Joy.

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欢乐或苦难的熬煎。Of joy or sorrow.

山河处处喜洋洋。Joy is everywhere.

一种杂交的快感!A joy of hybridity!

呵鸟雀的欢乐!Oh joy of the birds!

把快乐制成存货单。Take a joy inventory.

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当然,还有我的快乐。And of course, my joy.

她高兴的咯咯直笑。She chuckled with joy.

愿甜蜜的快乐降临你身上!Sweet joy befall thee!

她绽出笑容,显露内心的欢乐。Her smile told her joy.

他高兴得心儿在唱歌。His heart sang for joy.

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我满心欢喜。I am bursting with joy.

乐在人生尽欢颜。Joy in life all smiles.

永断生死,常住快乐。And always abide in joy.

她的眼睛流露出喜悦之情。Her eye beamed with joy.

喜乐是爱被高举时的情绪。JOY is love in exulting.

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喜悦在悲伤中浮现。Out of sorrow comes joy.

我猜他在床上肯定很欢乐。Bet he's a joy in bed eh.

她的脸上浮泛着愉快的神情。Her face beamed with joy.